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Print this page
*** 33,10 ***
--- 33,11 ---
  #include "oops/klass.inline.hpp"
  #include "oops/method.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/jniHandles.hpp"
  #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
+ #include "code/SCCache.hpp"
  CompileTask*  CompileTask::_task_free_list = nullptr;
   * Allocate a CompileTask, from the free list if possible.

*** 90,43 ***
                               const methodHandle& method,
                               int osr_bci,
                               int comp_level,
                               const methodHandle& hot_method,
                               int hot_count,
                               CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
                               bool is_blocking) {
    assert(!_lock->is_locked(), "bad locking");
    Thread* thread = Thread::current();
    _compile_id = compile_id;
    _method = method();
    _method_holder = JNIHandles::make_weak_global(Handle(thread, method->method_holder()->klass_holder()));
    _osr_bci = osr_bci;
    _is_blocking = is_blocking;
-   JVMCI_ONLY(_has_waiter = CompileBroker::compiler(comp_level)->is_jvmci();)
-   JVMCI_ONLY(_blocking_jvmci_compile_state = nullptr;)
    _comp_level = comp_level;
    _num_inlined_bytecodes = 0;
    _waiting_count = 0;
    _is_complete = false;
    _is_success = false;
    _hot_method = nullptr;
    _hot_method_holder = nullptr;
    _hot_count = hot_count;
!   _time_queued = os::elapsed_counter();
    _time_started = 0;
    _compile_reason = compile_reason;
    _nm_content_size = 0;
-   AbstractCompiler* comp = compiler();
-   _directive = DirectivesStack::getMatchingDirective(method, comp);
    _nm_insts_size = 0;
    _nm_total_size = 0;
    _failure_reason = nullptr;
    _failure_reason_on_C_heap = false;
    _arena_bytes = 0;
    if (LogCompilation) {
      if (hot_method.not_null()) {
        if (hot_method == method) {
--- 91,66 ---
                               const methodHandle& method,
                               int osr_bci,
                               int comp_level,
                               const methodHandle& hot_method,
                               int hot_count,
+                              SCCEntry* scc_entry,
                               CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
+                              CompileQueue* compile_queue,
+                              bool requires_online_compilation,
                               bool is_blocking) {
    assert(!_lock->is_locked(), "bad locking");
    Thread* thread = Thread::current();
    _compile_id = compile_id;
    _method = method();
    _method_holder = JNIHandles::make_weak_global(Handle(thread, method->method_holder()->klass_holder()));
    _osr_bci = osr_bci;
+   _requires_online_compilation = requires_online_compilation;
    _is_blocking = is_blocking;
    _comp_level = comp_level;
    _num_inlined_bytecodes = 0;
    _waiting_count = 0;
    _is_complete = false;
    _is_success = false;
+   _next = nullptr;
+   _prev = nullptr;
    _hot_method = nullptr;
    _hot_method_holder = nullptr;
    _hot_count = hot_count;
!   _time_created = os::elapsed_counter();
+   _time_queued = 0;
    _time_started = 0;
+   _time_finished = 0;
    _compile_reason = compile_reason;
    _nm_content_size = 0;
    _nm_insts_size = 0;
    _nm_total_size = 0;
    _failure_reason = nullptr;
    _failure_reason_on_C_heap = false;
+   _training_data = nullptr;
+   _scc_entry = scc_entry;
+   _compile_queue = compile_queue;
+   AbstractCompiler* comp = CompileBroker::compiler(comp_level);
+   if (comp->is_jvmci() && CompileBroker::compiler3() != nullptr) {
+     assert(_method != nullptr, "sanity");
+     if (((JVMCICompiler*)comp)->force_comp_at_level_simple(method)) {
+       comp = CompileBroker::compiler3();
+     }
+   }
+ #endif
+   _compiler = comp;
+   _directive = DirectivesStack::getMatchingDirective(method, comp);
+   JVMCI_ONLY(_has_waiter = comp->is_jvmci();)
+   JVMCI_ONLY(_blocking_jvmci_compile_state = nullptr;)
    _arena_bytes = 0;
    if (LogCompilation) {
      if (hot_method.not_null()) {
        if (hot_method == method) {

*** 144,15 ***
   * Returns the compiler for this task.
  AbstractCompiler* CompileTask::compiler() const {
!   return CompileBroker::compiler(_comp_level);
  // Replace weak handles by strong handles to avoid unloading during compilation.
  CompileTask* CompileTask::select_for_compilation() {
    if (is_unloaded()) {
      // Guard against concurrent class unloading
      return nullptr;
    Thread* thread = Thread::current();
--- 168,19 ---
   * Returns the compiler for this task.
  AbstractCompiler* CompileTask::compiler() const {
!   assert(_compiler != nullptr, "should be set");
+   return _compiler;
  // Replace weak handles by strong handles to avoid unloading during compilation.
  CompileTask* CompileTask::select_for_compilation() {
+   if (_compile_reason == Reason_Preload) {
+     return this;
+   }
    if (is_unloaded()) {
      // Guard against concurrent class unloading
      return nullptr;
    Thread* thread = Thread::current();

*** 177,10 ***
--- 205,11 ---
  bool CompileTask::is_unloaded() const {
+   if (preload()) return false;
    return _method_holder != nullptr && JNIHandles::is_weak_global_handle(_method_holder) && JNIHandles::is_weak_global_cleared(_method_holder);
  // RedefineClasses support
  void CompileTask::metadata_do(MetadataClosure* f) {

*** 203,11 ***
  // Otherwise it's the same as CompileTask::print_line()
  void CompileTask::print_line_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) {
    // print compiler name
!   st->print("%s:", CompileBroker::compiler_name(comp_level()));
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::print_tty
--- 232,11 ---
  // Otherwise it's the same as CompileTask::print_line()
  void CompileTask::print_line_on_error(outputStream* st, char* buf, int buflen) {
    // print compiler name
!   st->print("%s:", compiler()->name());
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::print_tty

*** 217,28 ***
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::print_impl
  void CompileTask::print_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
!                              bool is_osr_method, int osr_bci, bool is_blocking,
                               const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr,
!                              jlong time_queued, jlong time_started) {
    if (!short_form) {
!     // Print current time
!     st->print(UINT64_FORMAT " ", (uint64_t) tty->time_stamp().milliseconds());
!     if (Verbose && time_queued != 0) {
!       // Print time in queue and time being processed by compiler thread
!       jlong now = os::elapsed_counter();
!       st->print("%.0f ", TimeHelper::counter_to_millis(now-time_queued));
!       if (time_started != 0) {
!         st->print("%.0f ", TimeHelper::counter_to_millis(now-time_started));
    // print compiler name if requested
    if (CIPrintCompilerName) {
!     st->print("%s:", CompileBroker::compiler_name(comp_level));
    st->print("%4d ", compile_id);    // print compilation number
    bool is_synchronized = false;
    bool has_exception_handler = false;
--- 246,47 ---
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::print_impl
  void CompileTask::print_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
!                              bool is_osr_method, int osr_bci, bool is_blocking, bool is_scc, bool is_preload,
+                              const char* compiler_name,
                               const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr,
!                              jlong time_created, jlong time_queued, jlong time_started, jlong time_finished) {
    if (!short_form) {
!     {
!       stringStream ss;
!       ss.print(UINT64_FORMAT, (uint64_t) tty->time_stamp().milliseconds());
!       st->print("%7s ", ss.freeze());
!     }
!     { // Time waiting to be put on queue
!       stringStream ss;
!       if (time_created != 0 && time_queued != 0) {
+         ss.print("W%.1f", TimeHelper::counter_to_millis(time_queued - time_created));
+       }
+       st->print("%7s ", ss.freeze());
+     }
+     { // Time in queue
+       stringStream ss;
+       if (time_queued != 0 && time_started != 0) {
+         ss.print("Q%.1f", TimeHelper::counter_to_millis(time_started - time_queued));
+       }
+       st->print("%7s ", ss.freeze());
+     }
+     { // Time in compilation
+       stringStream ss;
+       if (time_started != 0 && time_finished != 0) {
+         ss.print("C%.1f", TimeHelper::counter_to_millis(time_finished - time_started));
+       st->print("%7s ", ss.freeze());
+     st->print("  ");
    // print compiler name if requested
    if (CIPrintCompilerName) {
!     st->print("%s:", compiler_name);
    st->print("%4d ", compile_id);    // print compilation number
    bool is_synchronized = false;
    bool has_exception_handler = false;

*** 252,13 ***
    const char compile_type   = is_osr_method                   ? '%' : ' ';
    const char sync_char      = is_synchronized                 ? 's' : ' ';
    const char exception_char = has_exception_handler           ? '!' : ' ';
    const char blocking_char  = is_blocking                     ? 'b' : ' ';
    const char native_char    = is_native                       ? 'n' : ' ';
    // print method attributes
!   st->print("%c%c%c%c%c ", compile_type, sync_char, exception_char, blocking_char, native_char);
    if (TieredCompilation) {
      if (comp_level != -1)  st->print("%d ", comp_level);
      else                   st->print("- ");
--- 300,15 ---
    const char compile_type   = is_osr_method                   ? '%' : ' ';
    const char sync_char      = is_synchronized                 ? 's' : ' ';
    const char exception_char = has_exception_handler           ? '!' : ' ';
    const char blocking_char  = is_blocking                     ? 'b' : ' ';
    const char native_char    = is_native                       ? 'n' : ' ';
+   const char scc_char       = is_scc                          ? 'A' : ' ';
+   const char preload_char   = is_preload                      ? 'P' : ' ';
    // print method attributes
!   st->print("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c ", compile_type, sync_char, exception_char, blocking_char, native_char, scc_char, preload_char);
    if (TieredCompilation) {
      if (comp_level != -1)  st->print("%d ", comp_level);
      else                   st->print("- ");

*** 287,11 ***
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::print_compilation
  void CompileTask::print(outputStream* st, const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr) {
    bool is_osr_method = osr_bci() != InvocationEntryBci;
!   print_impl(st, is_unloaded() ? nullptr : method(), compile_id(), comp_level(), is_osr_method, osr_bci(), is_blocking(), msg, short_form, cr, _time_queued, _time_started);
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::log_task
  void CompileTask::log_task(xmlStream* log) {
--- 337,12 ---
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::print_compilation
  void CompileTask::print(outputStream* st, const char* msg, bool short_form, bool cr) {
    bool is_osr_method = osr_bci() != InvocationEntryBci;
!   print_impl(st, is_unloaded() ? nullptr : method(), compile_id(), comp_level(), is_osr_method, osr_bci(), is_blocking(), is_scc(), preload(),
+              compiler()->name(), msg, short_form, cr, _time_created, _time_queued, _time_started, _time_finished);
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::log_task
  void CompileTask::log_task(xmlStream* log) {

*** 312,11 ***
      log->print(" level='%d'", _comp_level);
    if (_is_blocking) {
      log->print(" blocking='1'");
-   log->stamp();
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::log_task_queued
  void CompileTask::log_task_queued() {
--- 363,10 ---

*** 328,24 ***
    assert(_compile_reason > CompileTask::Reason_None && _compile_reason < CompileTask::Reason_Count, "Valid values");
    xtty->print(" comment='%s'", reason_name(_compile_reason));
    if (_hot_method != nullptr && _hot_method != _method) {
!     xtty->method(_hot_method);
    if (_hot_count != 0) {
      xtty->print(" hot_count='%d'", _hot_count);
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::log_task_start
! void CompileTask::log_task_start(CompileLog* log)   {
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
--- 378,26 ---
    assert(_compile_reason > CompileTask::Reason_None && _compile_reason < CompileTask::Reason_Count, "Valid values");
    xtty->print(" comment='%s'", reason_name(_compile_reason));
    if (_hot_method != nullptr && _hot_method != _method) {
!     xtty->method(_hot_method, "hot_");
    if (_hot_count != 0) {
      xtty->print(" hot_count='%d'", _hot_count);
+   xtty->stamp();
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CompileTask::log_task_start
! void CompileTask::log_task_start(CompileLog* log) {
+   log->stamp();
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------

*** 483,11 ***
    if (lt.is_enabled()) {
      LogStream ls(lt);
      print_impl(&ls, nm->method(), nm->compile_id(),
                 nm->comp_level(), nm->is_osr_method(),
                 nm->is_osr_method() ? nm->osr_entry_bci() : -1,
!                /*is_blocking*/ false,
                 msg, /* short form */ true, /* cr */ true);
  void CompileTask::print_inlining_ul(ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, InliningResult result, const char* msg) {
--- 535,12 ---
    if (lt.is_enabled()) {
      LogStream ls(lt);
      print_impl(&ls, nm->method(), nm->compile_id(),
                 nm->comp_level(), nm->is_osr_method(),
                 nm->is_osr_method() ? nm->osr_entry_bci() : -1,
!                /*is_blocking*/ false, nm->scc_entry() != nullptr,
+                nm->preloaded(), nm->compiler_name(),
                 msg, /* short form */ true, /* cr */ true);
  void CompileTask::print_inlining_ul(ciMethod* method, int inline_level, int bci, InliningResult result, const char* msg) {
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