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*** 29,11 ***
--- 29,14 ---
  #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
  #include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
  #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  #include "utilities/xmlstream.hpp"
+ class CompileQueue;
+ class CompileTrainingData;
  class DirectiveSet;
+ class SCCEntry;
  JVMCI_ONLY(class JVMCICompileState;)
  enum class InliningResult { SUCCESS, FAILURE };

*** 60,10 ***
--- 63,13 ---
        Reason_Tiered,           // Tiered-policy
        Reason_Replay,           // ciReplay
        Reason_Whitebox,         // Whitebox API
        Reason_MustBeCompiled,   // Used for -Xcomp or AlwaysCompileLoopMethods (see CompilationPolicy::must_be_compiled())
        Reason_Bootstrap,        // JVMCI bootstrap
+       Reason_Preload,          // pre-load SC code
+       Reason_Precompile,
+       Reason_PrecompileForPreload,
    static const char* reason_name(CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason) {
      static const char* reason_names[] = {

*** 72,78 ***
!       "bootstrap"
      return reason_names[compile_reason];
    static CompileTask*  _task_free_list;
    Monitor*             _lock;
    int                  _compile_id;
    Method*              _method;
    jobject              _method_holder;
    int                  _osr_bci;
    bool                 _is_complete;
    bool                 _is_success;
    bool                 _is_blocking;
    CodeSection::csize_t _nm_content_size;
    CodeSection::csize_t _nm_total_size;
    CodeSection::csize_t _nm_insts_size;
    DirectiveSet*  _directive;
    bool                 _has_waiter;
    // Compilation state for a blocking JVMCI compilation
    JVMCICompileState*   _blocking_jvmci_compile_state;
    int                  _waiting_count;  // See waiting_for_completion_count()
    int                  _comp_level;
    int                  _num_inlined_bytecodes;
!   CompileTask*         _next, *_prev;
    bool                 _is_free;
    // Fields used for logging why the compilation was initiated:
    jlong                _time_queued;  // time when task was enqueued
    jlong                _time_started; // time when compilation started
    Method*              _hot_method;   // which method actually triggered this task
    jobject              _hot_method_holder;
    int                  _hot_count;    // information about its invocation counter
    CompileReason        _compile_reason;      // more info about the task
    const char*          _failure_reason;
    // Specifies if _failure_reason is on the C heap.
    bool                 _failure_reason_on_C_heap;
    size_t               _arena_bytes;  // peak size of temporary memory during compilation (e.g. node arenas)
    CompileTask() : _failure_reason(nullptr), _failure_reason_on_C_heap(false) {
      // May hold MethodCompileQueue_lock
      _lock = new Monitor(Mutex::safepoint-1, "CompileTask_lock");
    void initialize(int compile_id, const methodHandle& method, int osr_bci, int comp_level,
!                   const methodHandle& hot_method, int hot_count,
!                   CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason, bool is_blocking);
    static CompileTask* allocate();
    static void         free(CompileTask* task);
!   int          compile_id() const                { return _compile_id; }
!   Method*      method() const                    { return _method; }
!   Method*      hot_method() const                { return _hot_method; }
!   int          osr_bci() const                   { return _osr_bci; }
!   bool         is_complete() const               { return _is_complete; }
!   bool         is_blocking() const               { return _is_blocking; }
!   bool         is_success() const                { return _is_success; }
!   DirectiveSet* directive() const                { return _directive; }
    CodeSection::csize_t nm_content_size() { return _nm_content_size; }
    void         set_nm_content_size(CodeSection::csize_t size) { _nm_content_size = size; }
    CodeSection::csize_t nm_insts_size() { return _nm_insts_size; }
    void         set_nm_insts_size(CodeSection::csize_t size) { _nm_insts_size = size; }
    CodeSection::csize_t nm_total_size() { return _nm_total_size; }
    void         set_nm_total_size(CodeSection::csize_t size) { _nm_total_size = size; }
    bool         can_become_stale() const          {
      switch (_compile_reason) {
        case Reason_BackedgeCount:
        case Reason_InvocationCount:
        case Reason_Tiered:
--- 78,102 ---
!       "bootstrap",
+       "preload",
+       "precompile",
+       "precompile_for_preload",
      return reason_names[compile_reason];
+   static bool reason_is_precompiled(CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason) {
+     return (compile_reason == CompileTask::Reason_Precompile) ||
+            (compile_reason == CompileTask::Reason_PrecompileForPreload);
+   }
    static CompileTask*  _task_free_list;
    Monitor*             _lock;
    int                  _compile_id;
    Method*              _method;
    jobject              _method_holder;
    int                  _osr_bci;
    bool                 _is_complete;
    bool                 _is_success;
+   bool                 _requires_online_compilation;
    bool                 _is_blocking;
    CodeSection::csize_t _nm_content_size;
    CodeSection::csize_t _nm_total_size;
    CodeSection::csize_t _nm_insts_size;
    DirectiveSet*  _directive;
+   AbstractCompiler*    _compiler;
+   SCCEntry*            _scc_entry;
    bool                 _has_waiter;
    // Compilation state for a blocking JVMCI compilation
    JVMCICompileState*   _blocking_jvmci_compile_state;
    int                  _waiting_count;  // See waiting_for_completion_count()
    int                  _comp_level;
    int                  _num_inlined_bytecodes;
!   CompileTask*         _next;
+   CompileTask*         _prev;
    bool                 _is_free;
    // Fields used for logging why the compilation was initiated:
+   jlong                _time_created; // time when task was created
    jlong                _time_queued;  // time when task was enqueued
    jlong                _time_started; // time when compilation started
+   jlong                _time_finished; // time when compilation finished
    Method*              _hot_method;   // which method actually triggered this task
    jobject              _hot_method_holder;
    int                  _hot_count;    // information about its invocation counter
    CompileReason        _compile_reason;      // more info about the task
    const char*          _failure_reason;
    // Specifies if _failure_reason is on the C heap.
    bool                 _failure_reason_on_C_heap;
+   CompileTrainingData* _training_data;
+   CompileQueue*        _compile_queue;
    size_t               _arena_bytes;  // peak size of temporary memory during compilation (e.g. node arenas)
    CompileTask() : _failure_reason(nullptr), _failure_reason_on_C_heap(false) {
      // May hold MethodCompileQueue_lock
      _lock = new Monitor(Mutex::safepoint-1, "CompileTask_lock");
    void initialize(int compile_id, const methodHandle& method, int osr_bci, int comp_level,
!                   const methodHandle& hot_method, int hot_count, SCCEntry* scc_entry,
!                   CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
+                   CompileQueue* compile_queue,
+                   bool requires_online_compilation, bool is_blocking);
    static CompileTask* allocate();
    static void         free(CompileTask* task);
!   int          compile_id() const                   { return _compile_id; }
!   Method*      method() const                       { return _method; }
!   Method*      hot_method() const                   { return _hot_method; }
!   int          osr_bci() const                      { return _osr_bci; }
!   bool         is_complete() const                  { return _is_complete; }
!   bool         is_blocking() const                  { return _is_blocking; }
!   bool         is_success() const                   { return _is_success; }
!   bool         is_scc() const                       { return _scc_entry != nullptr; }
+   void         clear_scc()                          { _scc_entry = nullptr; }
+   SCCEntry*    scc_entry()                          { return _scc_entry; }
+   bool         requires_online_compilation() const  { return _requires_online_compilation; }
+   DirectiveSet* directive() const                   { return _directive; }
+   CompileReason compile_reason() const              { return _compile_reason; }
    CodeSection::csize_t nm_content_size() { return _nm_content_size; }
    void         set_nm_content_size(CodeSection::csize_t size) { _nm_content_size = size; }
    CodeSection::csize_t nm_insts_size() { return _nm_insts_size; }
    void         set_nm_insts_size(CodeSection::csize_t size) { _nm_insts_size = size; }
    CodeSection::csize_t nm_total_size() { return _nm_total_size; }
    void         set_nm_total_size(CodeSection::csize_t size) { _nm_total_size = size; }
+   bool         preload() const                   { return (_compile_reason == Reason_Preload); }
    bool         can_become_stale() const          {
      switch (_compile_reason) {
        case Reason_BackedgeCount:
        case Reason_InvocationCount:
        case Reason_Tiered:

*** 171,11 ***
--- 201,16 ---
    void         set_blocking_jvmci_compile_state(JVMCICompileState* state) {
      _blocking_jvmci_compile_state = state;
+   bool is_precompiled() {
+     return reason_is_precompiled(compile_reason());
+   }
    Monitor*     lock() const                      { return _lock; }
+   CompileQueue* compile_queue() const            { return _compile_queue; }
    // See how many threads are waiting for this task. Must have lock to read this.
    int waiting_for_completion_count() {
      assert(_lock->owned_by_self(), "must have lock to use waiting_for_completion_count()");
      return _waiting_count;

*** 192,11 ***
--- 227,13 ---
    void         mark_complete()                   { _is_complete = true; }
    void         mark_success()                    { _is_success = true; }
+   void         mark_queued(jlong time)           { _time_queued = time; }
    void         mark_started(jlong time)          { _time_started = time; }
+   void         mark_finished(jlong time)         { _time_finished = time; }
    int          comp_level()                      { return _comp_level;}
    void         set_comp_level(int comp_level)    { _comp_level = comp_level;}
    CompileReason compile_reason()                 { return _compile_reason; }

*** 205,38 ***
    CompileTask*      select_for_compilation();
    int          num_inlined_bytecodes() const     { return _num_inlined_bytecodes; }
    void         set_num_inlined_bytecodes(int n)  { _num_inlined_bytecodes = n; }
    CompileTask* next() const                      { return _next; }
    void         set_next(CompileTask* next)       { _next = next; }
    CompileTask* prev() const                      { return _prev; }
    void         set_prev(CompileTask* prev)       { _prev = prev; }
    bool         is_free() const                   { return _is_free; }
    void         set_is_free(bool val)             { _is_free = val; }
    bool         is_unloaded() const;
    // RedefineClasses support
    void         metadata_do(MetadataClosure* f);
    void         mark_on_stack();
    void         set_arena_bytes(size_t s)         { _arena_bytes = s; }
    size_t       arena_bytes() const               { return _arena_bytes; }
    static void  print_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
                                        bool is_osr_method = false, int osr_bci = -1, bool is_blocking = false,
                                        const char* msg = nullptr, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true,
!                                       jlong time_queued = 0, jlong time_started = 0);
    void         print(outputStream* st = tty, const char* msg = nullptr, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true);
    void         print_ul(const char* msg = nullptr);
    static void  print(outputStream* st, const nmethod* nm, const char* msg = nullptr, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true) {
      print_impl(st, nm->method(), nm->compile_id(), nm->comp_level(),
                             nm->is_osr_method(), nm->is_osr_method() ? nm->osr_entry_bci() : -1, /*is_blocking*/ false,
!                            msg, short_form, cr);
    static void  print_ul(const nmethod* nm, const char* msg = nullptr);
     * @deprecated Please rely on Compile::inline_printer. Do not directly write inlining information to tty.
--- 242,46 ---
    CompileTask*      select_for_compilation();
    int          num_inlined_bytecodes() const     { return _num_inlined_bytecodes; }
    void         set_num_inlined_bytecodes(int n)  { _num_inlined_bytecodes = n; }
+   static CompileTask* volatile* next_ptr(CompileTask& task) { return &task._next; }
    CompileTask* next() const                      { return _next; }
    void         set_next(CompileTask* next)       { _next = next; }
    CompileTask* prev() const                      { return _prev; }
    void         set_prev(CompileTask* prev)       { _prev = prev; }
    bool         is_free() const                   { return _is_free; }
    void         set_is_free(bool val)             { _is_free = val; }
    bool         is_unloaded() const;
+   CompileTrainingData* training_data() const     { return _training_data; }
+   void set_training_data(CompileTrainingData*td) { _training_data = td; }
    // RedefineClasses support
    void         metadata_do(MetadataClosure* f);
    void         mark_on_stack();
    void         set_arena_bytes(size_t s)         { _arena_bytes = s; }
    size_t       arena_bytes() const               { return _arena_bytes; }
    static void  print_impl(outputStream* st, Method* method, int compile_id, int comp_level,
                                        bool is_osr_method = false, int osr_bci = -1, bool is_blocking = false,
+                                       bool is_scc = false, bool is_preload = false,
+                                       const char* compiler_name = nullptr,
                                        const char* msg = nullptr, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true,
!                                       jlong time_created = 0, jlong time_queued = 0, jlong time_started = 0, jlong time_finished = 0);
    void         print(outputStream* st = tty, const char* msg = nullptr, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true);
    void         print_ul(const char* msg = nullptr);
    static void  print(outputStream* st, const nmethod* nm, const char* msg = nullptr, bool short_form = false, bool cr = true) {
      print_impl(st, nm->method(), nm->compile_id(), nm->comp_level(),
                             nm->is_osr_method(), nm->is_osr_method() ? nm->osr_entry_bci() : -1, /*is_blocking*/ false,
!                            nm->scc_entry() != nullptr, nm->preloaded(),
+                            nm->compiler_name(), msg, short_form, cr);
    static void  print_ul(const nmethod* nm, const char* msg = nullptr);
     * @deprecated Please rely on Compile::inline_printer. Do not directly write inlining information to tty.
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