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Print this page
*** 20,10 ***
--- 20,11 ---
   * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
   * questions.
+ #include "cds/heapShared.hpp"
  #include "classfile/classPrinter.hpp"
  #include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
  #include "interpreter/bytecodeHistogram.hpp"
  #include "interpreter/bytecodeStream.hpp"
  #include "interpreter/bytecodeTracer.hpp"

*** 127,14 ***
          code == Bytecodes::_return_register_finalizer ||
          (code >= Bytecodes::_ireturn && code <= Bytecodes::_return)) {
        int bci = (int)(bcp - method->code_base());
        st->print("[%zu] ", Thread::current()->osthread()->thread_id_for_printing());
        if (Verbose) {
!         st->print("%8d  %4d  " INTPTR_FORMAT " " INTPTR_FORMAT " %s",
              BytecodeCounter::counter_value(), bci, tos, tos2, Bytecodes::name(code));
        } else {
!         st->print("%8d  %4d  %s",
              BytecodeCounter::counter_value(), bci, Bytecodes::name(code));
        print_attributes(bci, st);
      // Set is_wide for the next one, since the caller of this doesn't skip
--- 128,14 ---
          code == Bytecodes::_return_register_finalizer ||
          (code >= Bytecodes::_ireturn && code <= Bytecodes::_return)) {
        int bci = (int)(bcp - method->code_base());
        st->print("[%zu] ", Thread::current()->osthread()->thread_id_for_printing());
        if (Verbose) {
!         st->print(JLONG_FORMAT_W(8) "  %4d  " INTPTR_FORMAT " " INTPTR_FORMAT " %s",
              BytecodeCounter::counter_value(), bci, tos, tos2, Bytecodes::name(code));
        } else {
!         st->print(JLONG_FORMAT_W(8) "  %4d  %s",
              BytecodeCounter::counter_value(), bci, Bytecodes::name(code));
        print_attributes(bci, st);
      // Set is_wide for the next one, since the caller of this doesn't skip

*** 172,11 ***
      } else {
        st->print("%4d %s", bci, Bytecodes::name(code));
      _next_pc = is_wide() ? bcp+2 : bcp+1;
      print_attributes(bci, st);
!     bytecode_epilog(bci, st);
  // We need a global instance to keep track of the states when the bytecodes
  // are executed. Access by multiple threads are controlled by ttyLocker.
--- 173,13 ---
      } else {
        st->print("%4d %s", bci, Bytecodes::name(code));
      _next_pc = is_wide() ? bcp+2 : bcp+1;
      print_attributes(bci, st);
!     if (ClassPrinter::has_mode(_flags, ClassPrinter::PRINT_PROFILE)) {
+       bytecode_epilog(bci, st);
+     }
  // We need a global instance to keep track of the states when the bytecodes
  // are executed. Access by multiple threads are controlled by ttyLocker.

*** 299,10 ***
--- 302,14 ---
      if (is_linked()) {
        ResolvedIndyEntry* indy_entry = constants()->resolved_indy_entry_at(indy_index);
        st->print("  ResolvedIndyEntry: ");
+       if (indy_entry->has_appendix()) {
+         oop apx = constants()->resolved_reference_from_indy(indy_index);
+         st->print_cr(" - appendix = " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(apx));
+       }
  // cp_index: must be the cp_index of a JVM_CONSTANT_{Dynamic, DynamicInError, InvokeDynamic}
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