< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.cpp
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+ #include "compiler/compiler_globals.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "logging/logStream.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "memory/universe.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/java.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
#include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
+ #include "services/management.hpp"
#include "utilities/vmError.hpp"
// Mutexes used in the VM (see comment in mutexLocker.hpp):
Mutex* NMethodState_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* MarkStackChunkList_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* MonitoringSupport_lock = nullptr;
Monitor* ConcurrentGCBreakpoints_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* Compile_lock = nullptr;
Monitor* MethodCompileQueue_lock = nullptr;
+ Monitor* MethodCompileQueueC1_lock = nullptr;
+ Monitor* MethodCompileQueueC2_lock = nullptr;
+ Monitor* MethodCompileQueueC3_lock = nullptr;
+ Monitor* MethodCompileQueueSC1_lock = nullptr;
+ Monitor* MethodCompileQueueSC2_lock = nullptr;
Monitor* CompileThread_lock = nullptr;
Monitor* Compilation_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* CompileTaskAlloc_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* CompileStatistics_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* DirectivesStack_lock = nullptr;
Monitor* Terminator_lock = nullptr;
Monitor* InitCompleted_lock = nullptr;
Monitor* BeforeExit_lock = nullptr;
Monitor* Notify_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* ExceptionCache_lock = nullptr;
+ Mutex* TrainingData_lock = nullptr;
+ Monitor* TrainingReplayQueue_lock = nullptr;
#ifndef PRODUCT
Mutex* FullGCALot_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* tty_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* DumpRegion_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* ClassListFile_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* UnregisteredClassesTable_lock= nullptr;
Mutex* LambdaFormInvokers_lock = nullptr;
Mutex* ScratchObjects_lock = nullptr;
+ Mutex* ArchivedObjectTables_lock = nullptr;
#endif // INCLUDE_CDS
Mutex* Bootclasspath_lock = nullptr;
Monitor* JVMCI_lock = nullptr;
MUTEX_DEFN(JfieldIdCreation_lock , PaddedMutex , safepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(CompiledIC_lock , PaddedMutex , nosafepoint); // locks VtableStubs_lock
MUTEX_DEFN(MethodCompileQueue_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint);
+ if (UseGlobalCompileQueueLock) {
+ MethodCompileQueueC1_lock = MethodCompileQueue_lock;
+ MethodCompileQueueC2_lock = MethodCompileQueue_lock;
+ MethodCompileQueueC3_lock = MethodCompileQueue_lock;
+ MethodCompileQueueSC1_lock = MethodCompileQueue_lock;
+ MethodCompileQueueSC2_lock = MethodCompileQueue_lock;
+ } else {
+ MUTEX_DEFN(MethodCompileQueueC1_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint);
+ MUTEX_DEFN(MethodCompileQueueC2_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint);
+ MUTEX_DEFN(MethodCompileQueueC3_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint);
+ MUTEX_DEFN(MethodCompileQueueSC1_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint);
+ MUTEX_DEFN(MethodCompileQueueSC2_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint);
+ }
+ MUTEX_DEFL(TrainingData_lock , PaddedMutex , MethodCompileQueue_lock);
+ MUTEX_DEFN(TrainingReplayQueue_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(CompileStatistics_lock , PaddedMutex , safepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(DirectivesStack_lock , PaddedMutex , nosafepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(JvmtiVTMSTransition_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint); // used for Virtual Thread Mount State transition management
MUTEX_DEFN(EscapeBarrier_lock , PaddedMonitor, nosafepoint); // Used to synchronize object reallocation/relocking triggered by JVMTI
MUTEX_DEFN(PeriodicTask_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint, true);
MUTEX_DEFN(RedefineClasses_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(Verify_lock , PaddedMutex , safepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(ClassLoaderDataGraph_lock , PaddedMutex , safepoint);
! if (WhiteBoxAPI) {
- MUTEX_DEFN(Compilation_lock , PaddedMonitor, nosafepoint);
- }
MUTEX_DEFN(JfrBuffer_lock , PaddedMutex , event);
MUTEX_DEFN(JfrMsg_lock , PaddedMonitor, event);
MUTEX_DEFN(JfrStacktrace_lock , PaddedMutex , event);
MUTEX_DEFN(PeriodicTask_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint, true);
MUTEX_DEFN(RedefineClasses_lock , PaddedMonitor, safepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(Verify_lock , PaddedMutex , safepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(ClassLoaderDataGraph_lock , PaddedMutex , safepoint);
! MUTEX_DEFN(Compilation_lock , PaddedMonitor, nosafepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(JfrBuffer_lock , PaddedMutex , event);
MUTEX_DEFN(JfrMsg_lock , PaddedMonitor, event);
MUTEX_DEFN(JfrStacktrace_lock , PaddedMutex , event);
MUTEX_DEFN(DumpRegion_lock , PaddedMutex , nosafepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(ClassListFile_lock , PaddedMutex , nosafepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(UnregisteredClassesTable_lock , PaddedMutex , nosafepoint-1);
MUTEX_DEFN(LambdaFormInvokers_lock , PaddedMutex , safepoint);
MUTEX_DEFN(ScratchObjects_lock , PaddedMutex , nosafepoint-1); // Holds DumpTimeTable_lock
+ MUTEX_DEFN(ArchivedObjectTables_lock , PaddedMutex , nosafepoint);
#endif // INCLUDE_CDS
MUTEX_DEFN(Bootclasspath_lock , PaddedMutex , nosafepoint);
// JVMCIRuntime::_lock must be acquired before JVMCI_lock to avoid deadlock
// tty_lock is held when printing nmethod and its relocations which use this lock.
MUTEX_DEFL(ExternalsRecorder_lock , PaddedMutex , tty_lock);
MUTEX_DEFL(Threads_lock , PaddedMonitor, CompileThread_lock, true);
MUTEX_DEFL(Compile_lock , PaddedMutex , MethodCompileQueue_lock);
! MUTEX_DEFL(Heap_lock , PaddedMonitor, AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock);
MUTEX_DEFL(PerfDataMemAlloc_lock , PaddedMutex , Heap_lock);
MUTEX_DEFL(PerfDataManager_lock , PaddedMutex , Heap_lock);
MUTEX_DEFL(VMOperation_lock , PaddedMonitor, Heap_lock, true);
MUTEX_DEFL(ClassInitError_lock , PaddedMonitor, Threads_lock);
// tty_lock is held when printing nmethod and its relocations which use this lock.
MUTEX_DEFL(ExternalsRecorder_lock , PaddedMutex , tty_lock);
MUTEX_DEFL(Threads_lock , PaddedMonitor, CompileThread_lock, true);
MUTEX_DEFL(Compile_lock , PaddedMutex , MethodCompileQueue_lock);
! MUTEX_DEFL(Heap_lock , PaddedMonitor, TrainingData_lock /*AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock*/);
MUTEX_DEFL(PerfDataMemAlloc_lock , PaddedMutex , Heap_lock);
MUTEX_DEFL(PerfDataManager_lock , PaddedMutex , Heap_lock);
MUTEX_DEFL(VMOperation_lock , PaddedMonitor, Heap_lock, true);
MUTEX_DEFL(ClassInitError_lock , PaddedMonitor, Threads_lock);
#undef MUTEX_DEF
+ static const int MAX_NAMES = 200;
+ static const char* _names[MAX_NAMES] = { nullptr };
+ static bool _is_unique[MAX_NAMES] = { false };
+ static int _num_names = 0;
+ PerfCounter** MutexLockerImpl::_perf_lock_count = nullptr;
+ PerfCounter** MutexLockerImpl::_perf_lock_wait_time = nullptr;
+ PerfCounter** MutexLockerImpl::_perf_lock_hold_time = nullptr;
+ void MutexLockerImpl::init_counters() {
+ if (ProfileVMLocks && UsePerfData) {
+ ResourceMark rm;
+ _perf_lock_count = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(PerfCounter*, MAX_NAMES + 1, mtInternal);
+ _perf_lock_wait_time = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(PerfCounter*, MAX_NAMES + 1, mtInternal);
+ _perf_lock_hold_time = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(PerfCounter*, MAX_NAMES + 1, mtInternal);
+ NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_lock_count[0], SUN_RT, PerfDataManager::counter_name("Other", "Count"));
+ NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_lock_wait_time[0], SUN_RT, PerfDataManager::counter_name("Other", "BeforeTime"));
+ NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_lock_hold_time[0], SUN_RT, PerfDataManager::counter_name("Other", "AfterTime"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NAMES; i++) {
+ ResourceMark rm;
+ const char* counter_name = _names[i];
+ if (counter_name == nullptr) {
+ stringStream ss;
+ ss.print("UnnamedMutex#%d", i);
+ counter_name = ss.as_string();
+ }
+ NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_lock_count[i + 1], SUN_RT, PerfDataManager::counter_name(counter_name, "Count"));
+ NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_lock_wait_time[i + 1], SUN_RT, PerfDataManager::counter_name(counter_name, "BeforeTime"));
+ NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_lock_hold_time[i + 1], SUN_RT, PerfDataManager::counter_name(counter_name, "AfterTime"));
+ }
+ vm_exit_during_initialization("MutexLockerImpl::init_counters() failed unexpectedly");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int MutexLockerImpl::name2id(const char* name) {
+ if (ProfileVMLocks && UsePerfData) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < _num_names; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(_names[i], name) == 0) {
+ _is_unique[i] = false;
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_num_names < MAX_NAMES) {
+ int new_id = _num_names++;
+ _names[new_id] = os::strdup(name, mtInternal);
+ _is_unique[new_id] = true;
+ return new_id;
+ }
+ log_debug(init)("Unnamed: %s", name); // no slots left
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ void MutexLockerImpl::print_counter_on(outputStream* st, const char* name, bool is_unique, int idx) {
+ jlong count = _perf_lock_count[idx]->get_value();
+ if (count > 0) {
+ st->print_cr(" %3d: %s%40s = " JLONG_FORMAT_W(5) "us (" JLONG_FORMAT_W(5) "us) / " JLONG_FORMAT_W(9) " events",
+ idx, (is_unique ? " " : "M"), name,
+ Management::ticks_to_us(_perf_lock_hold_time[idx]->get_value()),
+ Management::ticks_to_us(_perf_lock_wait_time[idx]->get_value()),
+ count);
+ }
+ }
+ static jlong accumulate_lock_counters(PerfCounter** lock_counters) {
+ jlong acc = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _num_names + 1; i++) { // 0 slot is reserved for unnamed locks
+ if (lock_counters[i] == nullptr) {
+ break;
+ }
+ acc += lock_counters[i]->get_value();
+ }
+ return acc;
+ }
+ void MutexLockerImpl::print_counters_on(outputStream* st) {
+ if (ProfileVMLocks && UsePerfData) {
+ jlong total_count = accumulate_lock_counters(_perf_lock_count);
+ jlong total_wait_time = accumulate_lock_counters(_perf_lock_wait_time);
+ jlong total_hold_time = accumulate_lock_counters(_perf_lock_hold_time);
+ st->print_cr("MutexLocker: Total: %d named locks (%d unique names); hold = " JLONG_FORMAT "us (wait = " JLONG_FORMAT "us) / " JLONG_FORMAT " events for thread \"main\"",
+ Mutex::num_mutex(), _num_names,
+ Management::ticks_to_us(total_hold_time),
+ Management::ticks_to_us(total_wait_time),
+ total_count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < _num_names; i++) {
+ print_counter_on(st, _names[i], _is_unique[i], i+1);
+ }
+ print_counter_on(st, "Unnamed / Other", false /*is_unique*/, 0);
+ } else {
+ st->print_cr("MutexLocker: no info (%s is disabled)", (UsePerfData ? "ProfileVMLocks" : "UsePerfData"));
+ }
+ }
void MutexLockerImpl::post_initialize() {
// Print mutex ranks if requested.
LogTarget(Info, vmmutex) lt;
if (lt.is_enabled()) {
ResourceMark rm;
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