< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/runtime/mutexLocker.hpp
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+ #include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "runtime/flags/flagSetting.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutex.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/perfData.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
class Thread;
// Mutexes used in the VM.
extern Mutex* MarkStackChunkList_lock; // Protects access to the global mark stack chunk list.
extern Mutex* MonitoringSupport_lock; // Protects updates to the serviceability memory pools and allocated memory high water mark.
extern Monitor* ConcurrentGCBreakpoints_lock; // Protects concurrent GC breakpoint management
extern Mutex* Compile_lock; // a lock held when Compilation is updating code (used to block CodeCache traversal, CHA updates, etc)
extern Monitor* MethodCompileQueue_lock; // a lock held when method compilations are enqueued, dequeued
+ extern Monitor* MethodCompileQueueC1_lock; // a lock held when method compilations are enqueued, dequeued
+ extern Monitor* MethodCompileQueueC2_lock; // a lock held when method compilations are enqueued, dequeued
+ extern Monitor* MethodCompileQueueC3_lock; // a lock held when method compilations are enqueued, dequeued
+ extern Monitor* MethodCompileQueueSC1_lock; // a lock held when method compilations are enqueued, dequeued
+ extern Monitor* MethodCompileQueueSC2_lock; // a lock held when method compilations are enqueued, dequeued
extern Monitor* CompileThread_lock; // a lock held by compile threads during compilation system initialization
extern Monitor* Compilation_lock; // a lock used to pause compilation
+ extern Mutex* TrainingData_lock; // a lock used when accessing training records
+ extern Monitor* TrainingReplayQueue_lock; // a lock held when class are added/removed to the training replay queue
extern Mutex* CompileTaskAlloc_lock; // a lock held when CompileTasks are allocated
extern Mutex* CompileStatistics_lock; // a lock held when updating compilation statistics
extern Mutex* DirectivesStack_lock; // a lock held when mutating the dirstack and ref counting directives
extern Monitor* Terminator_lock; // a lock used to guard termination of the vm
extern Monitor* InitCompleted_lock; // a lock used to signal threads waiting on init completed
extern Mutex* DumpRegion_lock; // Symbol::operator new(size_t sz, int len)
extern Mutex* ClassListFile_lock; // ClassListWriter()
extern Mutex* UnregisteredClassesTable_lock; // UnregisteredClassesTableTable
extern Mutex* LambdaFormInvokers_lock; // Protecting LambdaFormInvokers::_lambdaform_lines
extern Mutex* ScratchObjects_lock; // Protecting _scratch_xxx_table in heapShared.cpp
+ extern Mutex* ArchivedObjectTables_lock; // Protecting the table used by HeapShared::get_archived_object_permanent_index()
#endif // INCLUDE_CDS
extern Mutex* JfrStacktrace_lock; // used to guard access to the JFR stacktrace table
extern Monitor* JfrMsg_lock; // protects JFR messaging
extern Mutex* JfrBuffer_lock; // protects JFR buffer operations
// Internal implementation. Skips on null Mutex.
// Subclasses enforce stronger invariants.
class MutexLockerImpl: public StackObj {
Mutex* _mutex;
MutexLockerImpl(Mutex* mutex, Mutex::SafepointCheckFlag flag = Mutex::_safepoint_check_flag) :
! _mutex(mutex) {
bool no_safepoint_check = flag == Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag;
if (_mutex != nullptr) {
if (no_safepoint_check) {
} else {
MutexLockerImpl(Thread* thread, Mutex* mutex, Mutex::SafepointCheckFlag flag = Mutex::_safepoint_check_flag) :
! _mutex(mutex) {
bool no_safepoint_check = flag == Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag;
if (_mutex != nullptr) {
if (no_safepoint_check) {
} else {
~MutexLockerImpl() {
if (_mutex != nullptr) {
static void post_initialize();
// Simplest mutex locker.
// Does not allow null mutexes.
class MutexLocker: public MutexLockerImpl {
// Internal implementation. Skips on null Mutex.
// Subclasses enforce stronger invariants.
class MutexLockerImpl: public StackObj {
Mutex* _mutex;
+ bool _prof;
+ elapsedTimer _before;
+ elapsedTimer _after;
+ private:
+ static PerfCounter** _perf_lock_count;
+ static PerfCounter** _perf_lock_wait_time;
+ static PerfCounter** _perf_lock_hold_time;
+ public:
MutexLockerImpl(Mutex* mutex, Mutex::SafepointCheckFlag flag = Mutex::_safepoint_check_flag) :
! _mutex(mutex), _prof(ProfileVMLocks && Thread::current_or_null() != nullptr && Thread::current()->profile_vm_locks()) {
bool no_safepoint_check = flag == Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag;
if (_mutex != nullptr) {
+ if (_prof) { _before.start(); } // before
if (no_safepoint_check) {
} else {
+ if (_prof) { _before.stop(); _after.start(); } // after
MutexLockerImpl(Thread* thread, Mutex* mutex, Mutex::SafepointCheckFlag flag = Mutex::_safepoint_check_flag) :
! _mutex(mutex), _prof(thread->profile_vm_locks()) {
+ if (_prof) { _before.start(); } // before
bool no_safepoint_check = flag == Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag;
if (_mutex != nullptr) {
if (no_safepoint_check) {
} else {
+ if (_prof) { _before.stop(); _after.start(); } // after
~MutexLockerImpl() {
if (_mutex != nullptr) {
+ if (_mutex->id() == -1) {
+ log_trace(init)("Unnamed unclassified lock: %s", _mutex->name());
+ }
+ if (_prof) {
+ assert(UsePerfData, "required");
+ _after.stop();
+ _perf_lock_count [_mutex->id() + 1]->inc();
+ _perf_lock_wait_time[_mutex->id() + 1]->inc(_before.ticks());
+ _perf_lock_hold_time[_mutex->id() + 1]->inc(_after.ticks());
+ }
+ private:
+ static void print_counter_on(outputStream* st, const char* name, bool is_unique, int idx);
+ static int name2id(const char* name);
static void post_initialize();
+ static void init_counters();
+ static void print_counters_on(outputStream* st);
// Simplest mutex locker.
// Does not allow null mutexes.
class MutexLocker: public MutexLockerImpl {
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