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501   // Resolving of calls
502   static address get_resolved_entry        (JavaThread* current, methodHandle callee_method);
503   static address resolve_static_call_C     (JavaThread* current);
504   static address resolve_virtual_call_C    (JavaThread* current);
505   static address resolve_opt_virtual_call_C(JavaThread* current);
507   // arraycopy, the non-leaf version.  (See StubRoutines for all the leaf calls.)
508   static void slow_arraycopy_C(oopDesc* src,  jint src_pos,
509                                oopDesc* dest, jint dest_pos,
510                                jint length, JavaThread* thread);
512   // handle ic miss with caller being compiled code
513   // wrong method handling (inline cache misses)
514   static address handle_wrong_method(JavaThread* current);
515   static address handle_wrong_method_abstract(JavaThread* current);
516   static address handle_wrong_method_ic_miss(JavaThread* current);
518   static address handle_unsafe_access(JavaThread* thread, address next_pc);

520 #ifndef PRODUCT
522   // Collect and print inline cache miss statistics
523  private:
524   enum { maxICmiss_count = 100 };
525   static int     _ICmiss_index;                  // length of IC miss histogram
526   static int     _ICmiss_count[maxICmiss_count]; // miss counts
527   static address _ICmiss_at[maxICmiss_count];    // miss addresses
528   static void trace_ic_miss(address at);
530  public:
531   static uint _ic_miss_ctr;                      // total # of IC misses
532   static uint _wrong_method_ctr;
533   static uint _resolve_static_ctr;
534   static uint _resolve_virtual_ctr;
535   static uint _resolve_opt_virtual_ctr;
536   static uint _implicit_null_throws;
537   static uint _implicit_div0_throws;
539   static uint _jbyte_array_copy_ctr;       // Slow-path byte array copy
540   static uint _jshort_array_copy_ctr;      // Slow-path short array copy
541   static uint _jint_array_copy_ctr;        // Slow-path int array copy
542   static uint _jlong_array_copy_ctr;       // Slow-path long array copy
543   static uint _oop_array_copy_ctr;         // Slow-path oop array copy
544   static uint _checkcast_array_copy_ctr;   // Slow-path oop array copy, with cast
545   static uint _unsafe_array_copy_ctr;      // Slow-path includes alignment checks
546   static uint _generic_array_copy_ctr;     // Slow-path includes type decoding
547   static uint _slow_array_copy_ctr;        // Slow-path failed out to a method call
549   static uint _unsafe_set_memory_ctr;      // Slow-path includes alignment checks
551   static uint _new_instance_ctr;           // 'new' object requires GC
552   static uint _new_array_ctr;              // 'new' array requires GC
553   static uint _multi2_ctr, _multi3_ctr, _multi4_ctr, _multi5_ctr;
554   static uint _find_handler_ctr;           // find exception handler
555   static uint _rethrow_ctr;                // rethrow exception

559   static uint _mon_exit_ctr;               // monitor exit slow
560   static uint _partial_subtype_ctr;        // SubRoutines::partial_subtype_check
562   // Statistics code
563   // stats for "normal" compiled calls (non-interface)
564   static int64_t _nof_normal_calls;               // total # of calls
565   static int64_t _nof_inlined_calls;              // total # of inlined normal calls
566   static int64_t _nof_static_calls;               // total # of calls to static methods or super methods (invokespecial)
567   static int64_t _nof_inlined_static_calls;       // total # of inlined static calls
568   // stats for compiled interface calls
569   static int64_t _nof_interface_calls;            // total # of compiled calls
570   static int64_t _nof_inlined_interface_calls;    // total # of inlined interface calls
572  public: // for compiler
573   static address nof_normal_calls_addr()                { return (address)&_nof_normal_calls; }
574   static address nof_inlined_calls_addr()               { return (address)&_nof_inlined_calls; }
575   static address nof_static_calls_addr()                { return (address)&_nof_static_calls; }
576   static address nof_inlined_static_calls_addr()        { return (address)&_nof_inlined_static_calls; }
577   static address nof_interface_calls_addr()             { return (address)&_nof_interface_calls; }
578   static address nof_inlined_interface_calls_addr()     { return (address)&_nof_inlined_interface_calls; }
579   static void print_call_statistics(uint64_t comp_total);
580   static void print_ic_miss_histogram();

582 #endif // PRODUCT
584   static void print_statistics() PRODUCT_RETURN;
585 };
588 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
589 // Implementation of AdapterHandlerLibrary
590 //
591 // This library manages argument marshaling adapters and native wrappers.
592 // There are 2 flavors of adapters: I2C and C2I.
593 //
594 // The I2C flavor takes a stock interpreted call setup, marshals the
595 // arguments for a Java-compiled call, and jumps to Rmethod-> code()->
596 // code_begin().  It is broken to call it without an nmethod assigned.
597 // The usual behavior is to lift any register arguments up out of the
598 // stack and possibly re-pack the extra arguments to be contiguous.
599 // I2C adapters will save what the interpreter's stack pointer will be
600 // after arguments are popped, then adjust the interpreter's frame
601 // size to force alignment and possibly to repack the arguments.

686   static void initialize();
687   static AdapterHandlerEntry* create_adapter(AdapterBlob*& new_adapter,
688                                              int total_args_passed,
689                                              BasicType* sig_bt,
690                                              bool allocate_code_blob);
691   static AdapterHandlerEntry* get_simple_adapter(const methodHandle& method);
692  public:
694   static AdapterHandlerEntry* new_entry(AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint,
695                                         address i2c_entry,
696                                         address c2i_entry,
697                                         address c2i_unverified_entry,
698                                         address c2i_no_clinit_check_entry = nullptr);
699   static void create_native_wrapper(const methodHandle& method);
700   static AdapterHandlerEntry* get_adapter(const methodHandle& method);
702   static void print_handler(const CodeBlob* b) { print_handler_on(tty, b); }
703   static void print_handler_on(outputStream* st, const CodeBlob* b);
704   static bool contains(const CodeBlob* b);
705 #ifndef PRODUCT
706   static void print_statistics();
707 #endif // PRODUCT
709 };

501   // Resolving of calls
502   static address get_resolved_entry        (JavaThread* current, methodHandle callee_method);
503   static address resolve_static_call_C     (JavaThread* current);
504   static address resolve_virtual_call_C    (JavaThread* current);
505   static address resolve_opt_virtual_call_C(JavaThread* current);
507   // arraycopy, the non-leaf version.  (See StubRoutines for all the leaf calls.)
508   static void slow_arraycopy_C(oopDesc* src,  jint src_pos,
509                                oopDesc* dest, jint dest_pos,
510                                jint length, JavaThread* thread);
512   // handle ic miss with caller being compiled code
513   // wrong method handling (inline cache misses)
514   static address handle_wrong_method(JavaThread* current);
515   static address handle_wrong_method_abstract(JavaThread* current);
516   static address handle_wrong_method_ic_miss(JavaThread* current);
518   static address handle_unsafe_access(JavaThread* thread, address next_pc);
520  private:
521   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_opt_virtual_total_time;
522   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_virtual_total_time;
523   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_static_total_time;
524   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_handle_wrong_method_total_time;
525   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_ic_miss_total_time;
526  public:
527   static uint _ic_miss_ctr;                      // total # of IC misses
528   static uint _wrong_method_ctr;
529   static uint _resolve_static_ctr;
530   static uint _resolve_virtual_ctr;
531   static uint _resolve_opt_virtual_ctr;
533   static void print_counters_on(outputStream* st);
535 #ifndef PRODUCT
537   // Collect and print inline cache miss statistics
538  private:
539   enum { maxICmiss_count = 100 };
540   static int     _ICmiss_index;                  // length of IC miss histogram
541   static int     _ICmiss_count[maxICmiss_count]; // miss counts
542   static address _ICmiss_at[maxICmiss_count];    // miss addresses
543   static void trace_ic_miss(address at);
545  public:

546   static uint _implicit_null_throws;
547   static uint _implicit_div0_throws;
549   static uint _jbyte_array_copy_ctr;       // Slow-path byte array copy
550   static uint _jshort_array_copy_ctr;      // Slow-path short array copy
551   static uint _jint_array_copy_ctr;        // Slow-path int array copy
552   static uint _jlong_array_copy_ctr;       // Slow-path long array copy
553   static uint _oop_array_copy_ctr;         // Slow-path oop array copy
554   static uint _checkcast_array_copy_ctr;   // Slow-path oop array copy, with cast
555   static uint _unsafe_array_copy_ctr;      // Slow-path includes alignment checks
556   static uint _generic_array_copy_ctr;     // Slow-path includes type decoding
557   static uint _slow_array_copy_ctr;        // Slow-path failed out to a method call
559   static uint _unsafe_set_memory_ctr;      // Slow-path includes alignment checks
561   static uint _new_instance_ctr;           // 'new' object requires GC
562   static uint _new_array_ctr;              // 'new' array requires GC
563   static uint _multi2_ctr, _multi3_ctr, _multi4_ctr, _multi5_ctr;
564   static uint _find_handler_ctr;           // find exception handler
565   static uint _rethrow_ctr;                // rethrow exception

569   static uint _mon_exit_ctr;               // monitor exit slow
570   static uint _partial_subtype_ctr;        // SubRoutines::partial_subtype_check
572   // Statistics code
573   // stats for "normal" compiled calls (non-interface)
574   static int64_t _nof_normal_calls;               // total # of calls
575   static int64_t _nof_inlined_calls;              // total # of inlined normal calls
576   static int64_t _nof_static_calls;               // total # of calls to static methods or super methods (invokespecial)
577   static int64_t _nof_inlined_static_calls;       // total # of inlined static calls
578   // stats for compiled interface calls
579   static int64_t _nof_interface_calls;            // total # of compiled calls
580   static int64_t _nof_inlined_interface_calls;    // total # of inlined interface calls
582  public: // for compiler
583   static address nof_normal_calls_addr()                { return (address)&_nof_normal_calls; }
584   static address nof_inlined_calls_addr()               { return (address)&_nof_inlined_calls; }
585   static address nof_static_calls_addr()                { return (address)&_nof_static_calls; }
586   static address nof_inlined_static_calls_addr()        { return (address)&_nof_inlined_static_calls; }
587   static address nof_interface_calls_addr()             { return (address)&_nof_interface_calls; }
588   static address nof_inlined_interface_calls_addr()     { return (address)&_nof_inlined_interface_calls; }

590   static void print_call_statistics_on(outputStream* st);
591   static void print_ic_miss_histogram_on(outputStream* st);
592 #endif // PRODUCT
594   static void print_statistics() PRODUCT_RETURN;
595 };
598 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
599 // Implementation of AdapterHandlerLibrary
600 //
601 // This library manages argument marshaling adapters and native wrappers.
602 // There are 2 flavors of adapters: I2C and C2I.
603 //
604 // The I2C flavor takes a stock interpreted call setup, marshals the
605 // arguments for a Java-compiled call, and jumps to Rmethod-> code()->
606 // code_begin().  It is broken to call it without an nmethod assigned.
607 // The usual behavior is to lift any register arguments up out of the
608 // stack and possibly re-pack the extra arguments to be contiguous.
609 // I2C adapters will save what the interpreter's stack pointer will be
610 // after arguments are popped, then adjust the interpreter's frame
611 // size to force alignment and possibly to repack the arguments.

696   static void initialize();
697   static AdapterHandlerEntry* create_adapter(AdapterBlob*& new_adapter,
698                                              int total_args_passed,
699                                              BasicType* sig_bt,
700                                              bool allocate_code_blob);
701   static AdapterHandlerEntry* get_simple_adapter(const methodHandle& method);
702  public:
704   static AdapterHandlerEntry* new_entry(AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint,
705                                         address i2c_entry,
706                                         address c2i_entry,
707                                         address c2i_unverified_entry,
708                                         address c2i_no_clinit_check_entry = nullptr);
709   static void create_native_wrapper(const methodHandle& method);
710   static AdapterHandlerEntry* get_adapter(const methodHandle& method);
712   static void print_handler(const CodeBlob* b) { print_handler_on(tty, b); }
713   static void print_handler_on(outputStream* st, const CodeBlob* b);
714   static bool contains(const CodeBlob* b);
715 #ifndef PRODUCT
716   static void print_statistics_on(outputStream* st);
717 #endif // PRODUCT
719 };
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