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308   DCmdArgument<bool> _print_interfaces; // true if inherited interfaces should be printed.
309   DCmdArgument<bool> _print_subclasses; // true if subclasses of the specified classname should be printed.
310   DCmdArgument<char*> _classname; // Optional single class name whose hierarchy should be printed.
311 public:
312   static int num_arguments() { return 3; }
313   ClassHierarchyDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap);
314   static const char* name() {
315     return "VM.class_hierarchy";
316   }
317   static const char* description() {
318     return "Print a list of all loaded classes, indented to show the class hierarchy. "
319            "The name of each class is followed by the ClassLoaderData* of its ClassLoader, "
320            "or \"null\" if loaded by the bootstrap class loader.";
321   }
322   static const char* impact() {
323       return "Medium: Depends on number of loaded classes.";
324   }
325   virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS);
326 };

329 class DumpSharedArchiveDCmd: public DCmdWithParser {
330 protected:
331   DCmdArgument<char*> _suboption;   // option of VM.cds
332   DCmdArgument<char*> _filename;    // file name, optional
333 public:
334   static int num_arguments() { return 2; }
335   DumpSharedArchiveDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap);
336   static const char* name() {
337     return "VM.cds";
338   }
339   static const char* description() {
340     return "Dump a static or dynamic shared archive including all shareable classes";
341   }
342   static const char* impact() {
343     return "Medium: Pause time depends on number of loaded classes";
344   }
345   virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS);
346 };
347 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS

308   DCmdArgument<bool> _print_interfaces; // true if inherited interfaces should be printed.
309   DCmdArgument<bool> _print_subclasses; // true if subclasses of the specified classname should be printed.
310   DCmdArgument<char*> _classname; // Optional single class name whose hierarchy should be printed.
311 public:
312   static int num_arguments() { return 3; }
313   ClassHierarchyDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap);
314   static const char* name() {
315     return "VM.class_hierarchy";
316   }
317   static const char* description() {
318     return "Print a list of all loaded classes, indented to show the class hierarchy. "
319            "The name of each class is followed by the ClassLoaderData* of its ClassLoader, "
320            "or \"null\" if loaded by the bootstrap class loader.";
321   }
322   static const char* impact() {
323       return "Medium: Depends on number of loaded classes.";
324   }
325   virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS);
326 };
329 class AOTEndTrainingDCmd : public DCmd {
330 public:
331   AOTEndTrainingDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) : DCmd(output, heap) { }
332     static const char* name() { return "AOT.end_training"; }
333     static const char* description() {
334       return "End AOT training and create the cache.";
335     }
336     static const char* impact() {
337       return "Medium: Pause time depends on number of loaded classes";
338     }
339     virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS);
340 };
341 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS
344 class DumpSharedArchiveDCmd: public DCmdWithParser {
345 protected:
346   DCmdArgument<char*> _suboption;   // option of VM.cds
347   DCmdArgument<char*> _filename;    // file name, optional
348 public:
349   static int num_arguments() { return 2; }
350   DumpSharedArchiveDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap);
351   static const char* name() {
352     return "VM.cds";
353   }
354   static const char* description() {
355     return "Dump a static or dynamic shared archive including all shareable classes";
356   }
357   static const char* impact() {
358     return "Medium: Pause time depends on number of loaded classes";
359   }
360   virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS);
361 };
362 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS
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