2071 if (cmdline == nullptr) {
2072 THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(),
2073 "Command line content cannot be null.");
2074 }
2075 bufferedStream output;
2076 DCmd::parse_and_execute(DCmd_Source_MBean, &output, cmdline, ' ', CHECK_NULL);
2077 oop result = java_lang_String::create_oop_from_str(output.as_string(), CHECK_NULL);
2078 return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(THREAD, result);
2079 JVM_END
2081 JVM_ENTRY(void, jmm_SetDiagnosticFrameworkNotificationEnabled(JNIEnv *env, jboolean enabled))
2082 DCmdFactory::set_jmx_notification_enabled(enabled?true:false);
2083 JVM_END
2085 jlong Management::ticks_to_ms(jlong ticks) {
2086 assert(os::elapsed_frequency() > 0, "Must be non-zero");
2087 return (jlong)(((double)ticks / (double)os::elapsed_frequency())
2088 * (double)1000.0);
2089 }
2091 // Gets the amount of memory allocated on the Java heap since JVM launch.
2092 JVM_ENTRY(jlong, jmm_GetTotalThreadAllocatedMemory(JNIEnv *env))
2093 // A thread increments exited_allocated_bytes in ThreadService::remove_thread
2094 // only after it removes itself from the threads list, and once a TLH is
2095 // created, no thread it references can remove itself from the threads
2096 // list, so none can update exited_allocated_bytes. We therefore initialize
2097 // result with exited_allocated_bytes after after we create the TLH so that
2098 // the final result can only be short due to (1) threads that start after
2099 // the TLH is created, or (2) terminating threads that escape TLH creation
2100 // and don't update exited_allocated_bytes before we initialize result.
2102 // We keep a high water mark to ensure monotonicity in case threads counted
2103 // on a previous call end up in state (2).
2104 static jlong high_water_result = 0;
2106 JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh;
2107 jlong result = ThreadService::exited_allocated_bytes();
2108 for (; JavaThread* thread = jtiwh.next();) {
2109 jlong size = thread->cooked_allocated_bytes();
2110 result += size;
2071 if (cmdline == nullptr) {
2072 THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(),
2073 "Command line content cannot be null.");
2074 }
2075 bufferedStream output;
2076 DCmd::parse_and_execute(DCmd_Source_MBean, &output, cmdline, ' ', CHECK_NULL);
2077 oop result = java_lang_String::create_oop_from_str(output.as_string(), CHECK_NULL);
2078 return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(THREAD, result);
2079 JVM_END
2081 JVM_ENTRY(void, jmm_SetDiagnosticFrameworkNotificationEnabled(JNIEnv *env, jboolean enabled))
2082 DCmdFactory::set_jmx_notification_enabled(enabled?true:false);
2083 JVM_END
2085 jlong Management::ticks_to_ms(jlong ticks) {
2086 assert(os::elapsed_frequency() > 0, "Must be non-zero");
2087 return (jlong)(((double)ticks / (double)os::elapsed_frequency())
2088 * (double)1000.0);
2089 }
2091 jlong Management::ticks_to_us(jlong ticks) {
2092 assert(os::elapsed_frequency() > 0, "Must be non-zero");
2093 return (jlong)(((double)ticks / (double)os::elapsed_frequency())
2094 * (double)1000000.0);
2095 }
2097 // Gets the amount of memory allocated on the Java heap since JVM launch.
2098 JVM_ENTRY(jlong, jmm_GetTotalThreadAllocatedMemory(JNIEnv *env))
2099 // A thread increments exited_allocated_bytes in ThreadService::remove_thread
2100 // only after it removes itself from the threads list, and once a TLH is
2101 // created, no thread it references can remove itself from the threads
2102 // list, so none can update exited_allocated_bytes. We therefore initialize
2103 // result with exited_allocated_bytes after after we create the TLH so that
2104 // the final result can only be short due to (1) threads that start after
2105 // the TLH is created, or (2) terminating threads that escape TLH creation
2106 // and don't update exited_allocated_bytes before we initialize result.
2108 // We keep a high water mark to ensure monotonicity in case threads counted
2109 // on a previous call end up in state (2).
2110 static jlong high_water_result = 0;
2112 JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle jtiwh;
2113 jlong result = ThreadService::exited_allocated_bytes();
2114 for (; JavaThread* thread = jtiwh.next();) {
2115 jlong size = thread->cooked_allocated_bytes();
2116 result += size;