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@@ -191,16 +191,26 @@
  void* Klass::operator new(size_t size, ClassLoaderData* loader_data, size_t word_size, TRAPS) throw() {
    return Metaspace::allocate(loader_data, word_size, MetaspaceObj::ClassType, THREAD);
+ static markWord make_prototype(Klass* kls) {
+   markWord prototype = markWord::prototype();
+ #ifdef _LP64
+   if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
+     prototype = prototype.set_klass(kls);
+   }
+ #endif
+   return prototype;
+ }
  // "Normal" instantiation is preceeded by a MetaspaceObj allocation
  // which zeros out memory - calloc equivalent.
  // The constructor is also used from CppVtableCloner,
  // which doesn't zero out the memory before calling the constructor.
  Klass::Klass(KlassID id) : _id(id),
-                            _prototype_header(markWord::prototype()),
+                            _prototype_header(make_prototype(this)),
                             _shared_class_path_index(-1) {
    CDS_ONLY(_shared_class_flags = 0;)
    CDS_JAVA_HEAP_ONLY(_archived_mirror_index = -1;)
    _primary_supers[0] = this;
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