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*** 55,22 ***
    union _metadata {
      Klass*      _klass;
      narrowKlass _compressed_klass;
    } _metadata;
!  public:
    inline markWord  mark()          const;
    inline markWord  mark_acquire()  const;
    inline markWord* mark_addr() const;
    inline void set_mark(markWord m);
    static inline void set_mark(HeapWord* mem, markWord m);
    inline void release_set_mark(markWord m);
    inline markWord cas_set_mark(markWord new_mark, markWord old_mark);
    inline markWord cas_set_mark(markWord new_mark, markWord old_mark, atomic_memory_order order);
    // Used only to re-initialize the mark word (e.g., of promoted
    // objects during a GC) -- requires a valid klass pointer
    inline void init_mark();
    inline Klass* klass() const;
--- 55,28 ---
    union _metadata {
      Klass*      _klass;
      narrowKlass _compressed_klass;
    } _metadata;
! public:
    inline markWord  mark()          const;
    inline markWord  mark_acquire()  const;
    inline markWord* mark_addr() const;
    inline void set_mark(markWord m);
    static inline void set_mark(HeapWord* mem, markWord m);
    inline void release_set_mark(markWord m);
+   static inline void release_set_mark(HeapWord* mem, markWord m);
    inline markWord cas_set_mark(markWord new_mark, markWord old_mark);
    inline markWord cas_set_mark(markWord new_mark, markWord old_mark, atomic_memory_order order);
+   inline markWord resolve_mark() const;
+   // Returns the prototype mark that should be used for this object.
+   inline markWord prototype_mark() const;
    // Used only to re-initialize the mark word (e.g., of promoted
    // objects during a GC) -- requires a valid klass pointer
    inline void init_mark();
    inline Klass* klass() const;

*** 85,11 ***
    inline int klass_gap() const;
    inline void set_klass_gap(int z);
    static inline void set_klass_gap(HeapWord* mem, int z);
    // size of object header, aligned to platform wordSize
!   static int header_size() { return sizeof(oopDesc)/HeapWordSize; }
    // Returns whether this is an instance of k or an instance of a subclass of k
    inline bool is_a(Klass* k) const;
    // Returns the actual oop size of the object
--- 91,18 ---
    inline int klass_gap() const;
    inline void set_klass_gap(int z);
    static inline void set_klass_gap(HeapWord* mem, int z);
    // size of object header, aligned to platform wordSize
!   static int header_size() {
+ #ifdef _LP64
+     if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
+       return sizeof(markWord) / HeapWordSize;
+     } else
+ #endif
+     return sizeof(oopDesc)/HeapWordSize;
+   }
    // Returns whether this is an instance of k or an instance of a subclass of k
    inline bool is_a(Klass* k) const;
    // Returns the actual oop size of the object

*** 97,10 ***
--- 110,24 ---
    // Sometimes (for complicated concurrency-related reasons), it is useful
    // to be able to figure out the size of an object knowing its klass.
    inline int size_given_klass(Klass* klass);
+   // The following set of methods is used to access the mark-word and related
+   // properties when the object may be forwarded. Be careful where and when
+   // using this method. It assumes that the forwardee is installed in
+   // the header as a plain pointer (or self-forwarded). In particular,
+   // those methods can not deal with the sliding-forwarding that is used
+   // in Serial, G1 and Shenandoah full-GCs.
+ private:
+   inline Klass*   forward_safe_klass_impl(markWord m) const;
+ public:
+   inline Klass*   forward_safe_klass() const;
+   inline size_t   forward_safe_size();
+   inline Klass*   forward_safe_klass(markWord m) const;
+   inline void     forward_safe_init_mark();
    // type test operations (inlined in oop.inline.hpp)
    inline bool is_instance()            const;
    inline bool is_array()               const;
    inline bool is_objArray()            const;
    inline bool is_typeArray()           const;

*** 247,19 ***
    inline bool is_forwarded() const;
    void verify_forwardee(oop forwardee) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
    inline void forward_to(oop p);
!   inline bool cas_forward_to(oop p, markWord compare, atomic_memory_order order = memory_order_conservative);
    // Like "forward_to", but inserts the forwarding pointer atomically.
    // Exactly one thread succeeds in inserting the forwarding pointer, and
    // this call returns "NULL" for that thread; any other thread has the
    // value of the forwarding pointer returned and does not modify "this".
    inline oop forward_to_atomic(oop p, markWord compare, atomic_memory_order order = memory_order_conservative);
    inline oop forwardee() const;
    // Age of object during scavenge
    inline uint age() const;
    inline void incr_age();
--- 274,21 ---
    inline bool is_forwarded() const;
    void verify_forwardee(oop forwardee) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
    inline void forward_to(oop p);
!   inline void forward_to_self();
    // Like "forward_to", but inserts the forwarding pointer atomically.
    // Exactly one thread succeeds in inserting the forwarding pointer, and
    // this call returns "NULL" for that thread; any other thread has the
    // value of the forwarding pointer returned and does not modify "this".
    inline oop forward_to_atomic(oop p, markWord compare, atomic_memory_order order = memory_order_conservative);
+   inline oop forward_to_self_atomic(markWord compare, atomic_memory_order order = memory_order_conservative);
    inline oop forwardee() const;
+   inline oop forwardee(markWord header) const;
    // Age of object during scavenge
    inline uint age() const;
    inline void incr_age();

*** 301,16 ***
    static bool has_klass_gap();
    // for code generation
    static int mark_offset_in_bytes()      { return offset_of(oopDesc, _mark); }
-   static int klass_offset_in_bytes()     { return offset_of(oopDesc, _metadata._klass); }
    static int klass_gap_offset_in_bytes() {
      assert(has_klass_gap(), "only applicable to compressed klass pointers");
      return klass_offset_in_bytes() + sizeof(narrowKlass);
    // for error reporting
    static void* load_klass_raw(oop obj);
    static void* load_oop_raw(oop obj, int offset);
    // Avoid include gc_globals.hpp in oop.inline.hpp
--- 330,40 ---
    static bool has_klass_gap();
    // for code generation
    static int mark_offset_in_bytes()      { return offset_of(oopDesc, _mark); }
    static int klass_gap_offset_in_bytes() {
      assert(has_klass_gap(), "only applicable to compressed klass pointers");
+     assert(!UseCompactObjectHeaders, "don't use klass_offset_in_bytes() with compact headers");
      return klass_offset_in_bytes() + sizeof(narrowKlass);
+   static int klass_offset_in_bytes()     {
+ #ifdef _LP64
+     if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
+       STATIC_ASSERT(markWord::klass_shift % 8 == 0);
+       return mark_offset_in_bytes() + markWord::klass_shift / 8;
+     } else
+ #endif
+     return offset_of(oopDesc, _metadata._klass);
+   }
+   static int base_offset_in_bytes() {
+ #ifdef _LP64
+     if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
+       // With compact headers, the Klass* field is not used for the Klass*
+       // and is used for the object fields instead.
+       assert(sizeof(markWord) == 8, "sanity");
+       return sizeof(markWord);
+     } else if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
+       return sizeof(markWord) + sizeof(narrowKlass);
+     } else
+ #endif
+     return sizeof(oopDesc);
+   }
    // for error reporting
    static void* load_klass_raw(oop obj);
    static void* load_oop_raw(oop obj, int offset);
    // Avoid include gc_globals.hpp in oop.inline.hpp
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