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153                (unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) src_pos,
154                type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(s->klass())->element_type()], s->length());
155     } else {
156       ss.print("arraycopy: last destination index %u out of bounds for %s[%d]",
157                (unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) dst_pos,
158                type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(d->klass())->element_type()], d->length());
159     }
160     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(), ss.as_string());
161   }
162   // Check zero copy
163   if (length == 0)
164     return;
166   // This is an attempt to make the copy_array fast.
167   int l2es = log2_element_size();
168   size_t src_offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(element_type()) + ((size_t)src_pos << l2es);
169   size_t dst_offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(element_type()) + ((size_t)dst_pos << l2es);
170   ArrayAccess<ARRAYCOPY_ATOMIC>::arraycopy<void>(s, src_offset, d, dst_offset, (size_t)length << l2es);
171 }
173 size_t TypeArrayKlass::oop_size(oop obj) const {
174   // In this assert, we cannot safely access the Klass* with compact headers.
175   assert(UseCompactObjectHeaders || obj->is_typeArray(),"must be a type array");
176   typeArrayOop t = typeArrayOop(obj);
177   return t->object_size(this);

178 }
180 void TypeArrayKlass::initialize(TRAPS) {
181   // Nothing to do. Having this function is handy since objArrayKlasses can be
182   // initialized by calling initialize on their bottom_klass, see ObjArrayKlass::initialize
183 }
185 const char* TypeArrayKlass::external_name(BasicType type) {
186   switch (type) {
187     case T_BOOLEAN: return "[Z";
188     case T_CHAR:    return "[C";
189     case T_FLOAT:   return "[F";
190     case T_DOUBLE:  return "[D";
191     case T_BYTE:    return "[B";
192     case T_SHORT:   return "[S";
193     case T_INT:     return "[I";
194     case T_LONG:    return "[J";
195     default: ShouldNotReachHere();
196   }
197   return nullptr;

153                (unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) src_pos,
154                type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(s->klass())->element_type()], s->length());
155     } else {
156       ss.print("arraycopy: last destination index %u out of bounds for %s[%d]",
157                (unsigned int) length + (unsigned int) dst_pos,
158                type2name_tab[ArrayKlass::cast(d->klass())->element_type()], d->length());
159     }
160     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(), ss.as_string());
161   }
162   // Check zero copy
163   if (length == 0)
164     return;
166   // This is an attempt to make the copy_array fast.
167   int l2es = log2_element_size();
168   size_t src_offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(element_type()) + ((size_t)src_pos << l2es);
169   size_t dst_offset = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(element_type()) + ((size_t)dst_pos << l2es);
170   ArrayAccess<ARRAYCOPY_ATOMIC>::arraycopy<void>(s, src_offset, d, dst_offset, (size_t)length << l2es);
171 }
173 size_t TypeArrayKlass::oop_size(oop obj, markWord mark) const {
174   // In this assert, we cannot safely access the Klass* with compact headers.
175   assert(UseCompactObjectHeaders || obj->is_typeArray(),"must be a type array");
176   typeArrayOop t = typeArrayOop(obj);
177   int length = LP64_ONLY(UseCompactObjectHeaders ? mark.array_length() :) t->length();
178   return t->object_size(this, length);
179 }
181 void TypeArrayKlass::initialize(TRAPS) {
182   // Nothing to do. Having this function is handy since objArrayKlasses can be
183   // initialized by calling initialize on their bottom_klass, see ObjArrayKlass::initialize
184 }
186 const char* TypeArrayKlass::external_name(BasicType type) {
187   switch (type) {
188     case T_BOOLEAN: return "[Z";
189     case T_CHAR:    return "[C";
190     case T_FLOAT:   return "[F";
191     case T_DOUBLE:  return "[D";
192     case T_BYTE:    return "[B";
193     case T_SHORT:   return "[S";
194     case T_INT:     return "[I";
195     case T_LONG:    return "[J";
196     default: ShouldNotReachHere();
197   }
198   return nullptr;
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