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@@ -41,20 +41,23 @@
  #include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
  #include "runtime/globals.hpp"
  #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/javaThread.inline.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/lightweightSynchronizer.hpp"
  #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
  #include "runtime/objectMonitor.hpp"
  #include "runtime/objectMonitor.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
  #include "runtime/osThread.hpp"
  #include "runtime/perfData.hpp"
  #include "runtime/safefetch.hpp"
  #include "runtime/safepointMechanism.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/synchronizer.hpp"
  #include "services/threadService.hpp"
+ #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
  #include "utilities/dtrace.hpp"
  #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
  #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  #include "utilities/preserveException.hpp"

@@ -244,11 +247,11 @@
  #endif // ASSERT
  ObjectMonitor::ObjectMonitor(oop object) :
-   _header(markWord::zero()),
+   _metadata(0),
    _object(_oop_storage, object),

@@ -270,14 +273,10 @@
  oop ObjectMonitor::object() const {
    return _object.resolve();
- oop ObjectMonitor::object_peek() const {
-   return _object.peek();
- }
  void ObjectMonitor::ExitOnSuspend::operator()(JavaThread* current) {
    if (current->is_suspended()) {
      _om->_recursions = 0;
      _om->_succ = nullptr;
      // Don't need a full fence after clearing successor here because of the call to exit().

@@ -295,137 +294,178 @@
        OrderAccess::fence(); // always do a full fence when successor is cleared
+ #define assert_mark_word_consistency()                                         \
+   assert(UseObjectMonitorTable || object()->mark() == markWord::encode(this),  \
+          "object mark must match encoded this: mark=" INTPTR_FORMAT            \
+          ", encoded this=" INTPTR_FORMAT, object()->mark().value(),            \
+          markWord::encode(this).value());
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Enter support
- bool ObjectMonitor::enter_for(JavaThread* locking_thread) {
+ bool ObjectMonitor::enter_is_async_deflating() {
+   if (is_being_async_deflated()) {
+     if (!UseObjectMonitorTable) {
+       const oop l_object = object();
+       if (l_object != nullptr) {
+         // Attempt to restore the header/dmw to the object's header so that
+         // we only retry once if the deflater thread happens to be slow.
+         install_displaced_markword_in_object(l_object);
+       }
+     }
+     return true;
+   }
+   return false;
+ }
+ void ObjectMonitor::enter_for_with_contention_mark(JavaThread* locking_thread, ObjectMonitorContentionMark& contention_mark) {
    // Used by ObjectSynchronizer::enter_for to enter for another thread.
    // The monitor is private to or already owned by locking_thread which must be suspended.
    // So this code may only contend with deflation.
    assert(locking_thread == Thread::current() || locking_thread->is_obj_deopt_suspend(), "must be");
+   assert(contention_mark._monitor == this, "must be");
+   assert(!is_being_async_deflated(), "must be");
-   // Block out deflation as soon as possible.
-   add_to_contentions(1);
+   void* prev_owner = try_set_owner_from(nullptr, locking_thread);
    bool success = false;
-   if (!is_being_async_deflated()) {
-     void* prev_owner = try_set_owner_from(nullptr, locking_thread);
-     if (prev_owner == nullptr) {
-       assert(_recursions == 0, "invariant");
-       success = true;
-     } else if (prev_owner == locking_thread) {
-       _recursions++;
-       success = true;
-     } else if (prev_owner == DEFLATER_MARKER) {
-       // Racing with deflation.
-       prev_owner = try_set_owner_from(DEFLATER_MARKER, locking_thread);
-       if (prev_owner == DEFLATER_MARKER) {
-         // Cancelled deflation. Increment contentions as part of the deflation protocol.
-         add_to_contentions(1);
-         success = true;
-       } else if (prev_owner == nullptr) {
-         // At this point we cannot race with deflation as we have both incremented
-         // contentions, seen contention > 0 and seen a DEFLATER_MARKER.
-         // success will only be false if this races with something other than
-         // deflation.
-         prev_owner = try_set_owner_from(nullptr, locking_thread);
-         success = prev_owner == nullptr;
-       }
-     } else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY && locking_thread->is_lock_owned((address)prev_owner)) {
-       assert(_recursions == 0, "must be");
-       _recursions = 1;
-       set_owner_from_BasicLock(prev_owner, locking_thread);
+   if (prev_owner == nullptr) {
+     assert(_recursions == 0, "invariant");
+     success = true;
+   } else if (prev_owner == locking_thread) {
+     _recursions++;
+     success = true;
+   } else if (prev_owner == DEFLATER_MARKER) {
+     // Racing with deflation.
+     prev_owner = try_set_owner_from(DEFLATER_MARKER, locking_thread);
+     if (prev_owner == DEFLATER_MARKER) {
+       // Cancelled deflation. Increment contentions as part of the deflation protocol.
+       add_to_contentions(1);
        success = true;
+     } else if (prev_owner == nullptr) {
+       // At this point we cannot race with deflation as we have both incremented
+       // contentions, seen contention > 0 and seen a DEFLATER_MARKER.
+       // success will only be false if this races with something other than
+       // deflation.
+       prev_owner = try_set_owner_from(nullptr, locking_thread);
+       success = prev_owner == nullptr;
-     assert(success, "Failed to enter_for: locking_thread=" INTPTR_FORMAT
-            ", this=" INTPTR_FORMAT "{owner=" INTPTR_FORMAT "}, observed owner: " INTPTR_FORMAT,
-            p2i(locking_thread), p2i(this), p2i(owner_raw()), p2i(prev_owner));
-   } else {
-     // Async deflation is in progress and our contentions increment
-     // above lost the race to async deflation. Undo the work and
-     // force the caller to retry.
-     const oop l_object = object();
-     if (l_object != nullptr) {
-       // Attempt to restore the header/dmw to the object's header so that
-       // we only retry once if the deflater thread happens to be slow.
-       install_displaced_markword_in_object(l_object);
-     }
+   } else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY && locking_thread->is_lock_owned((address)prev_owner)) {
+     assert(_recursions == 0, "must be");
+     _recursions = 1;
+     set_owner_from_BasicLock(prev_owner, locking_thread);
+     success = true;
+   assert(success, "Failed to enter_for: locking_thread=" INTPTR_FORMAT
+           ", this=" INTPTR_FORMAT "{owner=" INTPTR_FORMAT "}, observed owner: " INTPTR_FORMAT,
+           p2i(locking_thread), p2i(this), p2i(owner_raw()), p2i(prev_owner));
+ }
+ bool ObjectMonitor::enter_for(JavaThread* locking_thread) {
-   add_to_contentions(-1);
+   // Block out deflation as soon as possible.
+   ObjectMonitorContentionMark contention_mark(this);
-   assert(!success || owner_raw() == locking_thread, "must be");
+   // Check for deflation.
+   if (enter_is_async_deflating()) {
+     return false;
+   }
-   return success;
+   enter_for_with_contention_mark(locking_thread, contention_mark);
+   assert(owner_raw() == locking_thread, "must be");
+   return true;
- bool ObjectMonitor::enter(JavaThread* current) {
-   assert(current == JavaThread::current(), "must be");
-   // The following code is ordered to check the most common cases first
-   // and to reduce RTS->RTO cache line upgrades on SPARC and IA32 processors.
-   void* cur = try_set_owner_from(nullptr, current);
-   if (cur == nullptr) {
+ bool ObjectMonitor::try_enter(JavaThread* current) {
+   // TryLock avoids the CAS
+   TryLockResult r = TryLock(current);
+   if (r == TryLockResult::Success) {
      assert(_recursions == 0, "invariant");
      return true;
-   if (cur == current) {
-     // TODO-FIXME: check for integer overflow!  BUGID 6557169.
+   if (r == TryLockResult::HasOwner && owner() == current) {
      return true;
-   if (LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT && current->is_lock_owned((address)cur)) {
+   void* cur = owner_raw();
+   if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY && current->is_lock_owned((address)cur)) {
      assert(_recursions == 0, "internal state error");
      _recursions = 1;
      set_owner_from_BasicLock(cur, current);  // Convert from BasicLock* to Thread*.
      return true;
+   return false;
+ }
+ bool ObjectMonitor::spin_enter(JavaThread* current) {
+   assert(current == JavaThread::current(), "must be");
+   // Check for recursion.
+   if (try_enter(current)) {
+     return true;
+   }
+   // Check for deflation.
+   if (enter_is_async_deflating()) {
+     return false;
+   }
    // We've encountered genuine contention.
-   // Try one round of spinning *before* enqueueing current
-   // and before going through the awkward and expensive state
-   // transitions.  The following spin is strictly optional ...
+   // Do one round of spinning.
    // Note that if we acquire the monitor from an initial spin
    // we forgo posting JVMTI events and firing DTRACE probes.
    if (TrySpin(current)) {
      assert(owner_raw() == current, "must be current: owner=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(owner_raw()));
      assert(_recursions == 0, "must be 0: recursions=" INTX_FORMAT, _recursions);
-     assert(object()->mark() == markWord::encode(this),
-            "object mark must match encoded this: mark=" INTPTR_FORMAT
-            ", encoded this=" INTPTR_FORMAT, object()->mark().value(),
-            markWord::encode(this).value());
+     assert_mark_word_consistency();
+     return true;
+   }
+   return false;
+ }
+ bool ObjectMonitor::enter(JavaThread* current) {
+   assert(current == JavaThread::current(), "must be");
+   if (spin_enter(current)) {
      return true;
    assert(owner_raw() != current, "invariant");
    assert(_succ != current, "invariant");
    assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "invariant");
    assert(current->thread_state() != _thread_blocked, "invariant");
-   // Keep track of contention for JVM/TI and M&M queries.
-   add_to_contentions(1);
-   if (is_being_async_deflated()) {
-     // Async deflation is in progress and our contentions increment
-     // above lost the race to async deflation. Undo the work and
-     // force the caller to retry.
-     const oop l_object = object();
-     if (l_object != nullptr) {
-       // Attempt to restore the header/dmw to the object's header so that
-       // we only retry once if the deflater thread happens to be slow.
-       install_displaced_markword_in_object(l_object);
-     }
-     add_to_contentions(-1);
+   // Keep is_being_async_deflated stable across the rest of enter
+   ObjectMonitorContentionMark contention_mark(this);
+   // Check for deflation.
+   if (enter_is_async_deflating()) {
      return false;
+   // At this point this ObjectMonitor cannot be deflated, finish contended enter
+   enter_with_contention_mark(current, contention_mark);
+   return true;
+ }
+ void ObjectMonitor::enter_with_contention_mark(JavaThread *current, ObjectMonitorContentionMark &cm) {
+   assert(current == JavaThread::current(), "must be");
+   assert(owner_raw() != current, "must be");
+   assert(cm._monitor == this, "must be");
+   assert(!is_being_async_deflated(), "must be");
    JFR_ONLY(JfrConditionalFlush<EventJavaMonitorEnter> flush(current);)
    EventJavaMonitorEnter event;
    if (event.is_started()) {
      // Set an address that is 'unique enough', such that events close in

@@ -478,18 +518,17 @@
      // We've just gotten past the enter-check-for-suspend dance and we now own
      // the monitor free and clear.
-   add_to_contentions(-1);
    assert(contentions() >= 0, "must not be negative: contentions=%d", contentions());
    // Must either set _recursions = 0 or ASSERT _recursions == 0.
    assert(_recursions == 0, "invariant");
    assert(owner_raw() == current, "invariant");
    assert(_succ != current, "invariant");
-   assert(object()->mark() == markWord::encode(this), "invariant");
+   assert_mark_word_consistency();
    // The thread -- now the owner -- is back in vm mode.
    // Report the glorious news via TI,DTrace and jvmstat.
    // The probe effect is non-trivial.  All the reportage occurs
    // while we hold the monitor, increasing the length of the critical

@@ -514,11 +553,10 @@
    if (event.should_commit()) {
    OM_PERFDATA_OP(ContendedLockAttempts, inc());
-   return true;
  // Caveat: TryLock() is not necessarily serializing if it returns failure.
  // Callers must compensate as needed.

@@ -547,11 +585,11 @@
  // The ObjectMonitor has been successfully async deflated when:
  //   (contentions < 0)
  // Contending threads that see that condition know to retry their operation.
- bool ObjectMonitor::deflate_monitor() {
+ bool ObjectMonitor::deflate_monitor(Thread* current) {
    if (is_busy()) {
      // Easy checks are first - the ObjectMonitor is busy so no deflation.
      return false;

@@ -618,13 +656,19 @@
        log_trace(monitorinflation)("deflate_monitor: object=" INTPTR_FORMAT
                                    ", mark=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", type='%s'",
                                    p2i(obj), obj->mark().value(),
+   }
-     // Install the old mark word if nobody else has already done it.
-     install_displaced_markword_in_object(obj);
+   if (UseObjectMonitorTable) {
+     LightweightSynchronizer::deflate_monitor(current, obj, this);
+   } else {
+     if (obj != nullptr) {
+       // Install the old mark word if nobody else has already done it.
+       install_displaced_markword_in_object(obj);
+     }
    // We leave owner == DEFLATER_MARKER and contentions < 0
    // to force any racing threads to retry.
    return true;  // Success, ObjectMonitor has been deflated.

@@ -634,10 +678,11 @@
  // into the header of the object associated with the monitor. This
  // idempotent method is called by a thread that is deflating a
  // monitor and by other threads that have detected a race with the
  // deflation process.
  void ObjectMonitor::install_displaced_markword_in_object(const oop obj) {
+   assert(!UseObjectMonitorTable, "Lightweight has no dmw");
    // This function must only be called when (owner == DEFLATER_MARKER
    // && contentions <= 0), but we can't guarantee that here because
    // those values could change when the ObjectMonitor gets moved from
    // the global free list to a per-thread free list.

@@ -970,16 +1015,15 @@
  // In the future we should reconcile EnterI() and ReenterI().
  void ObjectMonitor::ReenterI(JavaThread* current, ObjectWaiter* currentNode) {
    assert(current != nullptr, "invariant");
+   assert(current->thread_state() != _thread_blocked, "invariant");
    assert(currentNode != nullptr, "invariant");
    assert(currentNode->_thread == current, "invariant");
    assert(_waiters > 0, "invariant");
-   assert(object()->mark() == markWord::encode(this), "invariant");
-   assert(current->thread_state() != _thread_blocked, "invariant");
+   assert_mark_word_consistency();
    for (;;) {
      ObjectWaiter::TStates v = currentNode->TState;
      guarantee(v == ObjectWaiter::TS_ENTER || v == ObjectWaiter::TS_CXQ, "invariant");
      assert(owner_raw() != current, "invariant");

@@ -1040,11 +1084,11 @@
    // EntryList is stable and cxq is prepend-only.
    // The head of cxq is volatile but the interior is stable.
    // In addition, current.TState is stable.
    assert(owner_raw() == current, "invariant");
-   assert(object()->mark() == markWord::encode(this), "invariant");
+   assert_mark_word_consistency();
    UnlinkAfterAcquire(current, currentNode);
    if (_succ == current) _succ = nullptr;
    assert(_succ != current, "invariant");
    currentNode->TState = ObjectWaiter::TS_RUN;
    OrderAccess::fence();      // see comments at the end of EnterI()

@@ -1666,11 +1710,11 @@
    _waiters--;             // decrement the number of waiters
    // Verify a few postconditions
    assert(owner_raw() == current, "invariant");
    assert(_succ != current, "invariant");
-   assert(object()->mark() == markWord::encode(this), "invariant");
+   assert_mark_word_consistency();
    // check if the notification happened
    if (!WasNotified) {
      // no, it could be timeout or Thread.interrupt() or both
      // check for interrupt event, otherwise it is timeout

@@ -2183,11 +2227,11 @@
  #ifdef ASSERT
  // Print the ObjectMonitor like a debugger would:
  // (ObjectMonitor) 0x00007fdfb6012e40 = {
- //   _header = 0x0000000000000001
+ //   _metadata = 0x0000000000000001
  //   _object = 0x000000070ff45fd0
  //   _pad_buf0 = {
  //     [0] = '\0'
  //     ...
  //     [43] = '\0'

@@ -2212,11 +2256,11 @@
  //   _WaitSetLock = 0
  // }
  void ObjectMonitor::print_debug_style_on(outputStream* st) const {
    st->print_cr("(ObjectMonitor*) " INTPTR_FORMAT " = {", p2i(this));
-   st->print_cr("  _header = " INTPTR_FORMAT, header().value());
+   st->print_cr("  _metadata = " INTPTR_FORMAT, _metadata);
    st->print_cr("  _object = " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(object_peek()));
    st->print_cr("  _pad_buf0 = {");
    st->print_cr("    [0] = '\\0'");
    st->print_cr("    ...");
    st->print_cr("    [%d] = '\\0'", (int)sizeof(_pad_buf0) - 1);
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