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@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@
  #include "oops/weakHandle.hpp"
  #include "runtime/perfDataTypes.hpp"
  #include "utilities/checkedCast.hpp"
  class ObjectMonitor;
+ class ObjectMonitorContentionMark;
  class ParkEvent;
  // ObjectWaiter serves as a "proxy" or surrogate thread.
  // TODO-FIXME: Eliminate ObjectWaiter and use the thread-specific
  // ParkEvent instead.  Beware, however, that the JVMTI code

@@ -67,24 +68,25 @@
  // WARNING: This is a very sensitive and fragile class. DO NOT make any
  // changes unless you are fully aware of the underlying semantics.
  // ObjectMonitor Layout Overview/Highlights/Restrictions:
- // - The _header field must be at offset 0 because the displaced header
+ // - The _metadata field must be at offset 0 because the displaced header
  //   from markWord is stored there. We do not want markWord.hpp to include
  //   ObjectMonitor.hpp to avoid exposing ObjectMonitor everywhere. This
  //   means that ObjectMonitor cannot inherit from any other class nor can
  //   it use any virtual member functions. This restriction is critical to
  //   the proper functioning of the VM.
- // - The _header and _owner fields should be separated by enough space
+ // - The _metadata and _owner fields should be separated by enough space
  //   to avoid false sharing due to parallel access by different threads.
  //   This is an advisory recommendation.
  // - The general layout of the fields in ObjectMonitor is:
- //     _header
+ //     _metadata
  //     <lightly_used_fields>
  //     <optional padding>
  //     _owner
+ //     <optional padding>
  //     <remaining_fields>
  // - The VM assumes write ordering and machine word alignment with
  //   respect to the _owner field and the <remaining_fields> that can
  //   be read in parallel by other threads.
  // - Generally fields that are accessed closely together in time should

@@ -104,24 +106,23 @@
  // - Adjacent ObjectMonitors should be separated by enough space to avoid
  //   false sharing. This is handled by the ObjectMonitor allocation code
  //   in synchronizer.cpp. Also see TEST_VM(SynchronizerTest, sanity) gtest.
  // Futures notes:
- //   - Separating _owner from the <remaining_fields> by enough space to
- //     avoid false sharing might be profitable. Given
- //     http://blogs.oracle.com/dave/entry/cas_and_cache_trivia_invalidate
- //     we know that the CAS in monitorenter will invalidate the line
- //     underlying _owner. We want to avoid an L1 data cache miss on that
- //     same line for monitorexit. Putting these <remaining_fields>:
- //     _recursions, _EntryList, _cxq, and _succ, all of which may be
- //     fetched in the inflated unlock path, on a different cache line
- //     would make them immune to CAS-based invalidation from the _owner
- //     field.
+ // - Separating _owner from the <remaining_fields> by enough space to
+ //   avoid false sharing might be profitable. Given that the CAS in
+ //   monitorenter will invalidate the line underlying _owner. We want
+ //   to avoid an L1 data cache miss on that same line for monitorexit.
+ //   Putting these <remaining_fields>:
+ //   _recursions, _EntryList, _cxq, and _succ, all of which may be
+ //   fetched in the inflated unlock path, on a different cache line
+ //   would make them immune to CAS-based invalidation from the _owner
+ //   field.
- //   - The _recursions field should be of type int, or int32_t but not
- //     intptr_t. There's no reason to use a 64-bit type for this field
- //     in a 64-bit JVM.
+ // - The _recursions field should be of type int, or int32_t but not
+ //   intptr_t. There's no reason to use a 64-bit type for this field
+ //   in a 64-bit JVM.
  class ObjectMonitor : public CHeapObj<mtObjectMonitor> {
    friend class ObjectSynchronizer;

@@ -129,29 +130,34 @@
    friend class VMStructs;
    JVMCI_ONLY(friend class JVMCIVMStructs;)
    static OopStorage* _oop_storage;
-   // The sync code expects the header field to be at offset zero (0).
-   // Enforced by the assert() in header_addr().
-   volatile markWord _header;        // displaced object header word - mark
+   // The sync code expects the metadata field to be at offset zero (0).
+   // Enforced by the assert() in metadata_addr().
+   // * LM_LIGHTWEIGHT with UseObjectMonitorTable:
+   // Contains the _object's hashCode.
+   // * LM_LEGACY, LM_MONITOR, LM_LIGHTWEIGHT without UseObjectMonitorTable:
+   // Contains the displaced object header word - mark
+   volatile uintptr_t _metadata;     // metadata
    WeakHandle _object;               // backward object pointer
-   // Separate _header and _owner on different cache lines since both can
-   // have busy multi-threaded access. _header and _object are set at initial
+   // Separate _metadata and _owner on different cache lines since both can
+   // have busy multi-threaded access. _metadata and _object are set at initial
    // inflation. The _object does not change, so it is a good choice to share
-   // its cache line with _header.
-   DEFINE_PAD_MINUS_SIZE(0, OM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(volatile markWord) +
+   // its cache line with _metadata.
+   DEFINE_PAD_MINUS_SIZE(0, OM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(_metadata) +
    // Used by async deflation as a marker in the _owner field.
    // Note that the choice of the two markers is peculiar:
    // - They need to represent values that cannot be pointers. In particular,
    //   we achieve this by using the lowest two bits.
    // - ANONYMOUS_OWNER should be a small value, it is used in generated code
    //   and small values encode much better.
    // - We test for anonymous owner by testing for the lowest bit, therefore
    //   DEFLATER_MARKER must *not* have that bit set.
-   #define DEFLATER_MARKER reinterpret_cast<void*>(2)
+   static const uintptr_t DEFLATER_MARKER_VALUE = 2;
+   #define DEFLATER_MARKER reinterpret_cast<void*>(DEFLATER_MARKER_VALUE)
    // NOTE: Typed as uintptr_t so that we can pick it up in SA, via vmStructs.
    static const uintptr_t ANONYMOUS_OWNER = 1;

@@ -179,11 +185,11 @@
    int _contentions;                 // Number of active contentions in enter(). It is used by is_busy()
                                      // along with other fields to determine if an ObjectMonitor can be
                                      // deflated. It is also used by the async deflation protocol. See
                                      // ObjectMonitor::deflate_monitor().
-  protected:
    ObjectWaiter* volatile _WaitSet;  // LL of threads wait()ing on the monitor
    volatile int  _waiters;           // number of waiting threads
    volatile int _WaitSetLock;        // protects Wait Queue - simple spinlock

@@ -211,10 +217,11 @@
    static PerfCounter * _sync_Deflations;
    static PerfLongVariable * _sync_MonExtant;
    static int Knob_SpinLimit;
+   static ByteSize metadata_offset()    { return byte_offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _metadata); }
    static ByteSize owner_offset()       { return byte_offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _owner); }
    static ByteSize recursions_offset()  { return byte_offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _recursions); }
    static ByteSize cxq_offset()         { return byte_offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _cxq); }
    static ByteSize succ_offset()        { return byte_offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _succ); }
    static ByteSize EntryList_offset()   { return byte_offset_of(ObjectMonitor, _EntryList); }

@@ -231,13 +238,19 @@
    // to the ObjectMonitor reference manipulation code:
      ((in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::f ## _offset())) - checked_cast<int>(markWord::monitor_value))
-   markWord           header() const;
-   volatile markWord* header_addr();
-   void               set_header(markWord hdr);
+   uintptr_t           metadata() const;
+   void                set_metadata(uintptr_t value);
+   volatile uintptr_t* metadata_addr();
+   markWord            header() const;
+   void                set_header(markWord hdr);
+   intptr_t            hash() const;
+   void                set_hash(intptr_t hash);
    bool is_busy() const {
      // TODO-FIXME: assert _owner == null implies _recursions = 0
      intptr_t ret_code = intptr_t(_waiters) | intptr_t(_cxq) | intptr_t(_EntryList);
      int cnts = contentions(); // read once

@@ -304,10 +317,13 @@
    ObjectMonitor(oop object);
    oop       object() const;
    oop       object_peek() const;
+   bool      object_is_cleared() const;
+   bool      object_is_dead() const;
+   bool      object_refers_to(oop obj) const;
    // Returns true if the specified thread owns the ObjectMonitor. Otherwise
    // returns false and throws IllegalMonitorStateException (IMSE).
    bool      check_owner(TRAPS);

@@ -326,13 +342,19 @@
      ObjectMonitor* _om;
      ClearSuccOnSuspend(ObjectMonitor* om) : _om(om)  {}
      void operator()(JavaThread* current);
+   bool      enter_is_async_deflating();
+   void      enter_for_with_contention_mark(JavaThread* locking_thread, ObjectMonitorContentionMark& contention_mark);
    bool      enter_for(JavaThread* locking_thread);
    bool      enter(JavaThread* current);
+   bool      try_enter(JavaThread* current);
+   bool      spin_enter(JavaThread* current);
+   void      enter_with_contention_mark(JavaThread* current, ObjectMonitorContentionMark& contention_mark);
    void      exit(JavaThread* current, bool not_suspended = true);
    void      wait(jlong millis, bool interruptible, TRAPS);
    void      notify(TRAPS);
    void      notifyAll(TRAPS);

@@ -362,10 +384,25 @@
    bool      TrySpin(JavaThread* current);
    bool      short_fixed_spin(JavaThread* current, int spin_count, bool adapt);
    void      ExitEpilog(JavaThread* current, ObjectWaiter* Wakee);
    // Deflation support
-   bool      deflate_monitor();
+   bool      deflate_monitor(Thread* current);
+ private:
    void      install_displaced_markword_in_object(const oop obj);
+ // RAII object to ensure that ObjectMonitor::is_being_async_deflated() is
+ // stable within the context of this mark.
+ class ObjectMonitorContentionMark : StackObj {
+   DEBUG_ONLY(friend class ObjectMonitor;)
+   ObjectMonitor* _monitor;
+   NONCOPYABLE(ObjectMonitorContentionMark);
+ public:
+   explicit ObjectMonitorContentionMark(ObjectMonitor* monitor);
+   ~ObjectMonitorContentionMark();
+ };
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