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*** 1,7 ***
--- 1,8 ---
   * Copyright (c) 2013, 2019, Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+  * Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
   * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   * published by the Free Software Foundation.

*** 25,10 ***
--- 26,12 ---
  #include "gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp"
  #include "gc/shared/spaceDecorator.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahAffiliation.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahAgeCensus.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahAllocRequest.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahAsserts.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeap.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahPadding.hpp"
  #include "utilities/sizes.hpp"

*** 120,10 ***
--- 123,11 ---
      _pinned_cset,             // region is pinned and in cset (evac failure path)
      _trash,                   // region contains only trash
      _REGION_STATES_NUM        // last
+ public:
    static const char* region_state_to_string(RegionState s) {
      switch (s) {
        case _empty_uncommitted:       return "Empty Uncommitted";
        case _empty_committed:         return "Empty Committed";
        case _regular:                 return "Regular";

*** 138,10 ***
--- 142,11 ---
          return "";
+ private:
    // This method protects from accidental changes in enum order:
    int region_state_to_ordinal(RegionState s) const {
      switch (s) {
        case _empty_uncommitted:      return 0;
        case _empty_committed:        return 1;

*** 165,16 ***
    static int region_states_num() {
      return _REGION_STATES_NUM;
    // Allowed transitions from the outside code:
!   void make_regular_allocation();
    void make_regular_bypass();
    void make_humongous_start();
    void make_humongous_cont();
!   void make_humongous_start_bypass();
!   void make_humongous_cont_bypass();
    void make_pinned();
    void make_unpinned();
    void make_cset();
    void make_trash();
    void make_trash_immediate();
--- 170,17 ---
    static int region_states_num() {
      return _REGION_STATES_NUM;
    // Allowed transitions from the outside code:
!   void make_regular_allocation(ShenandoahAffiliation affiliation);
+   void make_affiliated_maybe();
    void make_regular_bypass();
    void make_humongous_start();
    void make_humongous_cont();
!   void make_humongous_start_bypass(ShenandoahAffiliation affiliation);
!   void make_humongous_cont_bypass(ShenandoahAffiliation affiliation);
    void make_pinned();
    void make_unpinned();
    void make_cset();
    void make_trash();
    void make_trash_immediate();

*** 195,10 ***
--- 201,15 ---
    bool is_humongous_start()        const { return _state == _humongous_start || _state == _pinned_humongous_start; }
    bool is_humongous()              const { return is_humongous_start() || is_humongous_continuation(); }
    bool is_committed()              const { return !is_empty_uncommitted(); }
    bool is_cset()                   const { return _state == _cset   || _state == _pinned_cset; }
    bool is_pinned()                 const { return _state == _pinned || _state == _pinned_cset || _state == _pinned_humongous_start; }
+   bool is_regular_pinned()         const { return _state == _pinned; }
+   inline bool is_young() const;
+   inline bool is_old() const;
+   inline bool is_affiliated() const;
    // Macro-properties:
    bool is_alloc_allowed()          const { return is_empty() || is_regular() || _state == _pinned; }
    bool is_stw_move_allowed()       const { return is_regular() || _state == _cset || (ShenandoahHumongousMoves && _state == _humongous_start); }

*** 227,24 ***
--- 238,31 ---
    // Rarely updated fields
    HeapWord* _new_top;
    double _empty_time;
+   HeapWord* _top_before_promoted;
    // Seldom updated fields
    RegionState _state;
+   HeapWord* _coalesce_and_fill_boundary; // for old regions not selected as collection set candidates.
    // Frequently updated fields
    HeapWord* _top;
    size_t _tlab_allocs;
    size_t _gclab_allocs;
+   size_t _plab_allocs;
    volatile size_t _live_data;
    volatile size_t _critical_pins;
    HeapWord* volatile _update_watermark;
+   uint _age;
+   CENSUS_NOISE(uint _youth;)   // tracks epochs of retrograde ageing (rejuvenation)
    ShenandoahHeapRegion(HeapWord* start, size_t index, bool committed);
    static const size_t MIN_NUM_REGIONS = 10;

*** 325,12 ***
    inline size_t index() const {
      return _index;
!   // Allocation (return null if full)
!   inline HeapWord* allocate(size_t word_size, ShenandoahAllocRequest::Type type);
    inline void clear_live_data();
    void set_live_data(size_t s);
    // Increase live data for newly allocated region
--- 343,23 ---
    inline size_t index() const {
      return _index;
!   inline void save_top_before_promote();
!   inline HeapWord* get_top_before_promote() const { return _top_before_promoted; }
+   inline void restore_top_before_promote();
+   inline size_t garbage_before_padded_for_promote() const;
+   // If next available memory is not aligned on address that is multiple of alignment, fill the empty space
+   // so that returned object is aligned on an address that is a multiple of alignment_in_bytes.  Requested
+   // size is in words.  It is assumed that this->is_old().  A pad object is allocated, filled, and registered
+   // if necessary to assure the new allocation is properly aligned.  Return nullptr if memory is not available.
+   inline HeapWord* allocate_aligned(size_t word_size, ShenandoahAllocRequest &req, size_t alignment_in_bytes);
+   // Allocation (return nullptr if full)
+   inline HeapWord* allocate(size_t word_size, ShenandoahAllocRequest req);
    inline void clear_live_data();
    void set_live_data(size_t s);
    // Increase live data for newly allocated region

*** 347,11 ***
    void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
    void recycle();
!   void oop_iterate(OopIterateClosure* cl);
    HeapWord* block_start(const void* p) const;
    size_t block_size(const HeapWord* p) const;
    bool block_is_obj(const HeapWord* p) const { return p < top(); }
--- 376,40 ---
    void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
    void recycle();
!   inline void begin_preemptible_coalesce_and_fill() {
+     _coalesce_and_fill_boundary = _bottom;
+   }
+   inline void end_preemptible_coalesce_and_fill() {
+     _coalesce_and_fill_boundary = _end;
+   }
+   inline void suspend_coalesce_and_fill(HeapWord* next_focus) {
+     _coalesce_and_fill_boundary = next_focus;
+   }
+   inline HeapWord* resume_coalesce_and_fill() {
+     return _coalesce_and_fill_boundary;
+   }
+   // Coalesce contiguous spans of garbage objects by filling header and registering start locations with remembered set.
+   // This is used by old-gen GC following concurrent marking to make old-gen HeapRegions parsable. Old regions must be
+   // parsable because the mark bitmap is not reliable during the concurrent old mark.
+   // Return true iff region is completely coalesced and filled.  Returns false if cancelled before task is complete.
+   bool oop_coalesce_and_fill(bool cancellable);
+   // Invoke closure on every reference contained within the humongous object that spans this humongous
+   // region if the reference is contained within a DIRTY card and the reference is no more than words following
+   // start within the humongous object.
+   void oop_iterate_humongous_slice_dirty(OopIterateClosure* cl, HeapWord* start, size_t words, bool write_table) const;
+   // Invoke closure on every reference contained within the humongous object starting from start and
+   // ending at start + words.
+   void oop_iterate_humongous_slice_all(OopIterateClosure* cl, HeapWord* start, size_t words) const;
    HeapWord* block_start(const void* p) const;
    size_t block_size(const HeapWord* p) const;
    bool block_is_obj(const HeapWord* p) const { return p < top(); }

*** 367,29 ***
    HeapWord* bottom() const      { return _bottom;  }
    HeapWord* end() const         { return _end;     }
    size_t capacity() const       { return byte_size(bottom(), end()); }
    size_t used() const           { return byte_size(bottom(), top()); }
    size_t free() const           { return byte_size(top(),    end()); }
    inline void adjust_alloc_metadata(ShenandoahAllocRequest::Type type, size_t);
    void reset_alloc_metadata();
    size_t get_shared_allocs() const;
    size_t get_tlab_allocs() const;
    size_t get_gclab_allocs() const;
    inline HeapWord* get_update_watermark() const;
    inline void set_update_watermark(HeapWord* w);
    inline void set_update_watermark_at_safepoint(HeapWord* w);
    void do_commit();
    void do_uncommit();
-   void oop_iterate_objects(OopIterateClosure* cl);
-   void oop_iterate_humongous(OopIterateClosure* cl);
    inline void internal_increase_live_data(size_t s);
    void set_state(RegionState to);
--- 425,58 ---
    HeapWord* bottom() const      { return _bottom;  }
    HeapWord* end() const         { return _end;     }
    size_t capacity() const       { return byte_size(bottom(), end()); }
    size_t used() const           { return byte_size(bottom(), top()); }
+   size_t used_before_promote() const { return byte_size(bottom(), get_top_before_promote()); }
    size_t free() const           { return byte_size(top(),    end()); }
+   // Does this region contain this address?
+   bool contains(HeapWord* p) const {
+     return (bottom() <= p) && (p < top());
+   }
    inline void adjust_alloc_metadata(ShenandoahAllocRequest::Type type, size_t);
    void reset_alloc_metadata();
    size_t get_shared_allocs() const;
    size_t get_tlab_allocs() const;
    size_t get_gclab_allocs() const;
+   size_t get_plab_allocs() const;
    inline HeapWord* get_update_watermark() const;
    inline void set_update_watermark(HeapWord* w);
    inline void set_update_watermark_at_safepoint(HeapWord* w);
+   inline ShenandoahAffiliation affiliation() const;
+   inline const char* affiliation_name() const;
+   void set_affiliation(ShenandoahAffiliation new_affiliation);
+   // Region ageing and rejuvenation
+   uint age() const { return _age; }
+   CENSUS_NOISE(uint youth() const { return _youth; })
+   void increment_age() {
+     const uint max_age = markWord::max_age;
+     assert(_age <= max_age, "Error");
+     if (_age++ >= max_age) {
+       _age = max_age;   // clamp
+     }
+   }
+   void reset_age() {
+     CENSUS_NOISE(_youth += _age;)
+     _age = 0;
+   }
+   CENSUS_NOISE(void clear_youth() { _youth = 0; })
+   void decrement_humongous_waste() const;
    void do_commit();
    void do_uncommit();
    inline void internal_increase_live_data(size_t s);
    void set_state(RegionState to);
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