< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/cds/filemap.cpp
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#ifndef O_BINARY // if defined (Win32) use binary files.
#define O_BINARY 0 // otherwise do nothing.
+ inline void CDSMustMatchFlags::do_print(outputStream* st, bool v) {
+ st->print("%s", v ? "true" : "false");
+ }
+ inline void CDSMustMatchFlags::do_print(outputStream* st, intx v) {
+ st->print("%zd", v);
+ }
+ inline void CDSMustMatchFlags::do_print(outputStream* st, uintx v) {
+ st->print("%zu", v);
+ }
+ inline void CDSMustMatchFlags::do_print(outputStream* st, double v) {
+ st->print("%f", v);
+ }
+ void CDSMustMatchFlags::init() {
+ assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "sanity");
+ _max_name_width = 0;
+ _v_##n = n; \
+ _max_name_width = MAX2(_max_name_width,strlen(#n));
+ }
+ bool CDSMustMatchFlags::runtime_check() const {
+ if (_v_##n != n) { \
+ ResourceMark rm; \
+ stringStream ss; \
+ ss.print("VM option %s is different between dumptime (", #n); \
+ do_print(&ss, _v_ ## n); \
+ ss.print(") and runtime ("); \
+ do_print(&ss, n); \
+ ss.print(")"); \
+ log_info(cds)("%s", ss.as_string()); \
+ return false; \
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void CDSMustMatchFlags::print_info() const {
+ LogTarget(Info, cds) lt;
+ if (lt.is_enabled()) {
+ LogStream ls(lt);
+ ls.print_cr("Recorded VM flags during dumptime:");
+ print(&ls);
+ }
+ }
+ void CDSMustMatchFlags::print(outputStream* st) const {
+ st->print("- %-s ", #n); \
+ st->sp(int(_max_name_width - strlen(#n))); \
+ do_print(st, _v_##n); \
+ st->cr();
+ }
// Fill in the fileMapInfo structure with data about this VM instance.
// This method copies the vm version info into header_version. If the version is too
// long then a truncated version, which has a hash code appended to it, is copied.
_max_heap_size = MaxHeapSize;
_use_optimized_module_handling = CDSConfig::is_using_optimized_module_handling();
_has_aot_linked_classes = CDSConfig::is_dumping_aot_linked_classes();
_has_full_module_graph = CDSConfig::is_dumping_full_module_graph();
+ _has_valhalla_patched_classes = CDSConfig::is_valhalla_preview();
// The following fields are for sanity checks for whether this archive
// will function correctly with this JVM and the bootclasspath it's
// invoked with.
_verify_remote = BytecodeVerificationRemote;
_has_platform_or_app_classes = AOTClassLocationConfig::dumptime()->has_platform_or_app_classes();
_requested_base_address = (char*)SharedBaseAddress;
_mapped_base_address = (char*)SharedBaseAddress;
_allow_archiving_with_java_agent = AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent;
+ _must_match.init();
void FileMapHeader::copy_base_archive_name(const char* archive) {
assert(base_archive_name_size() != 0, "_base_archive_name_size not set");
assert(base_archive_name_offset() != 0, "_base_archive_name_offset not set");
st->print_cr("- _rw_ptrmap_start_pos: %zu", _rw_ptrmap_start_pos);
st->print_cr("- _ro_ptrmap_start_pos: %zu", _ro_ptrmap_start_pos);
st->print_cr("- allow_archiving_with_java_agent:%d", _allow_archiving_with_java_agent);
st->print_cr("- use_optimized_module_handling: %d", _use_optimized_module_handling);
st->print_cr("- has_full_module_graph %d", _has_full_module_graph);
+ st->print_cr("- has_valhalla_patched_classes %d", _has_valhalla_patched_classes);
+ _must_match.print(st);
st->print_cr("- has_aot_linked_classes %d", _has_aot_linked_classes);
bool FileMapInfo::validate_class_location() {
assert(CDSConfig::is_using_archive(), "runtime only");
log_warning(cds)("The %s has been truncated.", file_type);
return false;
+ if (!header()->check_must_match_flags()) {
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
void FileMapInfo::seek_to_position(size_t pos) {
if (os::lseek(_fd, (long)pos, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
log_warning(cds)("Unable to use %s.\nThe saved state of UseCompressedOops and UseCompressedClassPointers is "
"different from runtime, CDS will be disabled.", file_type);
return false;
+ if (is_static()) {
+ const char* err = nullptr;
+ if (CDSConfig::is_valhalla_preview()) {
+ if (!_has_valhalla_patched_classes) {
+ err = "not created";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (_has_valhalla_patched_classes) {
+ err = "created";
+ }
+ }
+ if (err != nullptr) {
+ log_warning(cds)("This archive was %s with --enable-preview -XX:+EnableValhalla. It is "
+ "incompatible with the current JVM setting", err);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
if (compact_headers() != UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
log_warning(cds)("Unable to use %s.\nThe %s's UseCompactObjectHeaders setting (%s)"
" does not equal the current UseCompactObjectHeaders setting (%s).", file_type, file_type,
_compact_headers ? "enabled" : "disabled",
UseCompactObjectHeaders ? "enabled" : "disabled");
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