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Print this page
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--- 30,11 ---
  #include "include/cds.h"
  #include "logging/logLevel.hpp"
  #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  #include "oops/array.hpp"
  #include "oops/compressedOops.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/globals.hpp"
  #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  // To understand the layout of the CDS archive file:
  // java -Xlog:cds+map=info:file=cds.map:none:filesize=0

*** 178,10 ***
--- 179,39 ---
    bool check_region_crc(char* base) const;
    void print(outputStream* st, int region_index);
+ #define CDS_MUST_MATCH_FLAGS_DO(f) \
+   f(EnableValhalla) \
+   f(UseArrayFlattening) \
+   f(UseFieldFlattening) \
+   f(InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs) \
+   f(InlineTypeReturnedAsFields) \
+   f(UseAtomicValueFlattening) \
+   f(UseNullableValueFlattening)
+ class CDSMustMatchFlags {
+ private:
+   size_t _max_name_width;
+   decltype(n) _v_##n;
+   inline static void do_print(outputStream* st, bool v);
+   inline static void do_print(outputStream* st, intx v);
+   inline static void do_print(outputStream* st, uintx v);
+   inline static void do_print(outputStream* st, double v);
+   void print_info() const;
+ public:
+   void init();
+   bool runtime_check() const;
+   void print(outputStream* st) const;
+ };
  class FileMapHeader: private CDSFileMapHeaderBase {
    friend class CDSConstants;
    friend class VMStructs;

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    bool   _allow_archiving_with_java_agent; // setting of the AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent option
    bool   _use_optimized_module_handling;// No module-relation VM options were specified, so we can skip
                                          // some expensive operations.
    bool   _has_aot_linked_classes;       // Was the CDS archive created with -XX:+AOTClassLinking
    bool   _has_full_module_graph;        // Does this CDS archive contain the full archived module graph?
+   bool   _has_valhalla_patched_classes; // Is this archived dumped with --enable-preview -XX:+EnableValhalla?
+   CDSMustMatchFlags _must_match;        // These flags must be the same between dumptime and runtime
    bool   _has_archived_invokedynamic;   // Does the archive have aot-linked invokedynamic CP entries?
    HeapRootSegments _heap_root_segments; // Heap root segments info
    size_t _heap_oopmap_start_pos;        // The first bit in the oopmap corresponds to this position in the heap.
    size_t _heap_ptrmap_start_pos;        // The first bit in the ptrmap corresponds to this position in the heap.
    size_t _rw_ptrmap_start_pos;          // The first bit in the ptrmap corresponds to this position in the rw region

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                  size_t common_app_classpath_size);
    static bool is_valid_region(int region) {
      return (0 <= region && region < NUM_CDS_REGIONS);
+   bool check_must_match_flags() const {
+     return _must_match.runtime_check();
+   }
    void print(outputStream* st);
  class FileMapInfo : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
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