< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/opto/loopUnswitch.cpp
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LoopNode* head = _head->as_Loop();
if (head->unswitch_count() + 1 > head->unswitch_max()) {
return false;
- if (phase->find_unswitch_candidate(this) == nullptr) {
+ if (head->is_flat_arrays()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (no_unswitch_candidate()) {
return false;
// Too speculative if running low on nodes.
return phase->may_require_nodes(est_loop_clone_sz(2));
+ // Check the absence of any If node that can be used for Loop Unswitching. In that case, no Loop Unswitching can be done.
+ bool IdealLoopTree::no_unswitch_candidate() const {
+ ResourceMark rm;
+ Node_List dont_care;
+ return _phase->find_unswitch_candidates(this, dont_care) == nullptr;
+ }
// Find an invariant test in the loop body that does not exit the loop. If multiple tests are found, we pick the first
- // one in the loop body. Return the "unswitch candidate" If to apply Loop Unswitching on.
- IfNode* PhaseIdealLoop::find_unswitch_candidate(const IdealLoopTree* loop) const {
+ // one in the loop body as "unswitch candidate" to apply Loop Unswitching on.
+ // Depending on whether we find such a candidate and if we do, whether it's a flat array check, we do the following:
+ // (1) Candidate is not a flat array check:
+ // Return the unique unswitch candidate.
+ // (2) Candidate is a flat array check:
+ // Collect all remaining non-loop-exiting flat array checks in the loop body in the provided 'flat_array_checks'
+ // list in order to create an unswitched loop version without any flat array checks and a version with checks
+ // (i.e. same as original loop). Return the initially found candidate which could be unique if no further flat array
+ // checks are found.
+ // (3) No candidate is initially found:
+ // As in (2), we collect all non-loop-exiting flat array checks in the loop body in the provided 'flat_array_checks'
+ // list. Pick the first collected flat array check as unswitch candidate, which could be unique, and return it (a).
+ // If there are no flat array checks, we cannot apply Loop Unswitching (b).
+ //
+ // Note that for both (2) and (3a), if there are multiple flat array checks, then the candidate's FlatArrayCheckNode is
+ // later updated in Loop Unswitching to perform a flat array check on all collected flat array checks.
+ IfNode* PhaseIdealLoop::find_unswitch_candidates(const IdealLoopTree* loop, Node_List& flat_array_checks) const {
+ IfNode* unswitch_candidate = find_unswitch_candidate_from_idoms(loop);
+ if (unswitch_candidate != nullptr && !unswitch_candidate->is_flat_array_check(&_igvn)) {
+ // Case (1)
+ return unswitch_candidate;
+ }
+ collect_flat_array_checks(loop, flat_array_checks);
+ if (unswitch_candidate != nullptr) {
+ // Case (2)
+ assert(unswitch_candidate->is_flat_array_check(&_igvn), "is a flat array check");
+ return unswitch_candidate;
+ } else if (flat_array_checks.size() > 0) {
+ // Case (3a): Pick first one found as candidate (there could be multiple).
+ return flat_array_checks[0]->as_If();
+ }
+ // Case (3b): No suitable unswitch candidate found.
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Find an unswitch candidate by following the idom chain from the loop back edge.
+ IfNode* PhaseIdealLoop::find_unswitch_candidate_from_idoms(const IdealLoopTree* loop) const {
LoopNode* head = loop->_head->as_Loop();
IfNode* unswitch_candidate = nullptr;
Node* n = head->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl);
while (n != head) {
Node* n_dom = idom(n);
n = n_dom;
return unswitch_candidate;
+ // Collect all flat array checks in the provided 'flat_array_checks' list.
+ void PhaseIdealLoop::collect_flat_array_checks(const IdealLoopTree* loop, Node_List& flat_array_checks) const {
+ assert(flat_array_checks.size() == 0, "should be empty initially");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < loop->_body.size(); i++) {
+ Node* next = loop->_body.at(i);
+ if (next->is_If() && next->as_If()->is_flat_array_check(&_igvn) && loop->is_invariant(next->in(1)) &&
+ !loop->is_loop_exit(next)) {
+ flat_array_checks.push(next);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This class represents an "unswitch candidate" which is an If that can be used to perform Loop Unswitching on. If the
+ // candidate is a flat array check candidate, then we also collect all remaining non-loop-exiting flat array checks.
+ // These are candidates as well. We want to get rid of all these flat array checks in the true-path-loop for the
+ // following reason:
+ //
+ // FlatArrayCheckNodes are used with array accesses to switch between a flat and a non-flat array access. We want
+ // the performance impact on non-flat array accesses to be as small as possible. We therefore create the following
+ // loops in Loop Unswitching:
+ // - True-path-loop: We remove all non-loop-exiting flat array checks to get a loop with only non-flat array accesses
+ // (i.e. a fast path loop).
+ // - False-path-loop: We keep all flat array checks in this loop (i.e. a slow path loop).
+ class UnswitchCandidate : public StackObj {
+ PhaseIdealLoop* const _phase;
+ const Node_List& _old_new;
+ Node* const _original_loop_entry;
+ // If _candidate is a flat array check, this list contains all non-loop-exiting flat array checks in the loop body.
+ Node_List _flat_array_check_candidates;
+ IfNode* const _candidate;
+ public:
+ UnswitchCandidate(IdealLoopTree* loop, const Node_List& old_new)
+ : _phase(loop->_phase),
+ _old_new(old_new),
+ _original_loop_entry(loop->_head->as_Loop()->skip_strip_mined()->in(LoopNode::EntryControl)),
+ _flat_array_check_candidates(),
+ _candidate(find_unswitch_candidate(loop)) {}
+ NONCOPYABLE(UnswitchCandidate);
+ IfNode* find_unswitch_candidate(IdealLoopTree* loop) {
+ IfNode* unswitch_candidate = _phase->find_unswitch_candidates(loop, _flat_array_check_candidates);
+ assert(unswitch_candidate != nullptr, "guaranteed to exist by policy_unswitching");
+ assert(_phase->is_member(loop, unswitch_candidate), "must be inside original loop");
+ return unswitch_candidate;
+ }
+ IfNode* candidate() const {
+ return _candidate;
+ }
+ // Is the candidate a flat array check and are there other flat array checks as well?
+ bool has_multiple_flat_array_check_candidates() const {
+ return _flat_array_check_candidates.size() > 1;
+ }
+ // Remove all candidates from the true-path-loop which are now dominated by the loop selector
+ // (i.e. 'true_path_loop_proj'). The removed candidates are folded in the next IGVN round.
+ void update_in_true_path_loop(IfTrueNode* true_path_loop_proj) const {
+ remove_from_loop(true_path_loop_proj, _candidate);
+ if (has_multiple_flat_array_check_candidates()) {
+ remove_flat_array_checks(true_path_loop_proj);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove a unique candidate from the false-path-loop which is now dominated by the loop selector
+ // (i.e. 'false_path_loop_proj'). The removed candidate is folded in the next IGVN round. If there are multiple
+ // candidates (i.e. flat array checks), then we leave them in the false-path-loop and only mark the loop such that it
+ // is not unswitched anymore in later loop opts rounds.
+ void update_in_false_path_loop(IfFalseNode* false_path_loop_proj, LoopNode* false_path_loop) const {
+ if (has_multiple_flat_array_check_candidates()) {
+ // Leave the flat array checks in the false-path-loop and prevent it from being unswitched again based on these
+ // checks.
+ false_path_loop->mark_flat_arrays();
+ } else {
+ remove_from_loop(false_path_loop_proj, _old_new[_candidate->_idx]->as_If());
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ void remove_from_loop(IfProjNode* dominating_proj, IfNode* candidate) const {
+ _phase->igvn().rehash_node_delayed(candidate);
+ _phase->dominated_by(dominating_proj, candidate);
+ }
+ void remove_flat_array_checks(IfProjNode* dominating_proj) const {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < _flat_array_check_candidates.size(); i++) {
+ IfNode* flat_array_check = _flat_array_check_candidates.at(i)->as_If();
+ _phase->igvn().rehash_node_delayed(flat_array_check);
+ _phase->dominated_by(dominating_proj, flat_array_check);
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ // Merge all flat array checks into a single new BoolNode and return it.
+ BoolNode* merge_flat_array_checks() const {
+ assert(has_multiple_flat_array_check_candidates(), "must have multiple flat array checks to merge");
+ assert(_candidate->in(1)->as_Bool()->_test._test == BoolTest::ne, "IfTrue proj must point to flat array");
+ BoolNode* merged_flat_array_check_bool = create_bool_node();
+ create_flat_array_check_node(merged_flat_array_check_bool);
+ return merged_flat_array_check_bool;
+ }
+ private:
+ BoolNode* create_bool_node() const {
+ BoolNode* merged_flat_array_check_bool = _candidate->in(1)->clone()->as_Bool();
+ _phase->register_new_node(merged_flat_array_check_bool, _original_loop_entry);
+ return merged_flat_array_check_bool;
+ }
+ void create_flat_array_check_node(BoolNode* merged_flat_array_check_bool) const {
+ FlatArrayCheckNode* cloned_flat_array_check = merged_flat_array_check_bool->in(1)->clone()->as_FlatArrayCheck();
+ _phase->register_new_node(cloned_flat_array_check, _original_loop_entry);
+ merged_flat_array_check_bool->set_req(1, cloned_flat_array_check);
+ set_flat_array_check_inputs(cloned_flat_array_check);
+ }
+ // Combine all checks into a single one that fails if one array is flat.
+ void set_flat_array_check_inputs(FlatArrayCheckNode* cloned_flat_array_check) const {
+ assert(cloned_flat_array_check->req() == 3, "unexpected number of inputs for FlatArrayCheck");
+ cloned_flat_array_check->add_req_batch(_phase->C->top(), _flat_array_check_candidates.size() - 1);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < _flat_array_check_candidates.size(); i++) {
+ Node* array = _flat_array_check_candidates.at(i)->in(1)->in(1)->in(FlatArrayCheckNode::ArrayOrKlass);
+ cloned_flat_array_check->set_req(FlatArrayCheckNode::ArrayOrKlass + i, array);
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ #ifndef PRODUCT
+ void trace_flat_array_checks() const {
+ if (has_multiple_flat_array_check_candidates()) {
+ tty->print_cr("- Unswitched and Merged Flat Array Checks:");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < _flat_array_check_candidates.size(); i++) {
+ Node* unswitch_iff = _flat_array_check_candidates.at(i);
+ Node* cloned_unswitch_iff = _old_new[unswitch_iff->_idx];
+ assert(cloned_unswitch_iff != nullptr, "must exist");
+ tty->print_cr(" - %d %s -> %d %s", unswitch_iff->_idx, unswitch_iff->Name(),
+ cloned_unswitch_iff->_idx, cloned_unswitch_iff->Name());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endif // NOT PRODUCT
+ };
// LoopSelector is used for loop multiversioning and unswitching. This class creates an If node (i.e. loop selector)
// that selects if the true-path-loop or the false-path-loop should be executed at runtime.
class LoopSelector : public StackObj {
// Cached fields for construction.
PhaseIdealLoop* const _phase;
// Constructed selector if with its projections.
IfNode* const _selector;
IfTrueNode* const _true_path_loop_proj;
IfFalseNode* const _false_path_loop_proj;
- enum PathToLoop { TRUE_PATH, FALSE_PATH };
+ enum PathToLoop {
+ };
// For multiversioning: create a new selector (multiversion_if) from a bol condition.
LoopSelector(IdealLoopTree* loop, Node* bol, float prob, float fcnt)
: _phase(loop->_phase),
_false_path_loop_proj(create_proj_to_loop(FALSE_PATH)->as_IfFalse()) {
// For unswitching: create an unswitching if before the loop, from a pre-existing
// unswitching_candidate inside the loop.
- LoopSelector(IdealLoopTree* loop, IfNode* unswitch_candidate)
+ LoopSelector(IdealLoopTree* loop, const UnswitchCandidate& unswitch_candidate)
: _phase(loop->_phase),
_selector(create_unswitching_if(unswitch_candidate)), // unswitching
_false_path_loop_proj(create_proj_to_loop(FALSE_PATH)->as_IfFalse()) {
+ private:
IfNode* create_multiversioning_if(Node* bol, float prob, float fcnt) {
IfNode* selector_if = new IfNode(_original_loop_entry, bol, prob, fcnt);
_phase->register_node(selector_if, _outer_loop, _original_loop_entry, _dom_depth);
return selector_if;
- IfNode* create_unswitching_if(IfNode* unswitch_candidate) {
+ IfNode* create_unswitching_if(const UnswitchCandidate& unswitch_candidate) {
+ const uint dom_depth = _phase->dom_depth(_original_loop_entry);
- BoolNode* unswitch_candidate_bool = unswitch_candidate->in(1)->as_Bool();
- IfNode* selector_if = IfNode::make_with_same_profile(unswitch_candidate, _original_loop_entry,
- unswitch_candidate_bool);
- _phase->register_node(selector_if, _outer_loop, _original_loop_entry, _dom_depth);
+ IfNode* unswitch_candidate_if = unswitch_candidate.candidate();
+ BoolNode* selector_bool;
+ if (unswitch_candidate.has_multiple_flat_array_check_candidates()) {
+ selector_bool = unswitch_candidate.merge_flat_array_checks();
+ } else {
+ selector_bool = unswitch_candidate_if->in(1)->as_Bool();
+ }
+ IfNode* selector_if = IfNode::make_with_same_profile(unswitch_candidate_if, _original_loop_entry, selector_bool);
+ _phase->register_node(selector_if, _outer_loop, _original_loop_entry, dom_depth);
return selector_if;
- private:
IfProjNode* create_proj_to_loop(const PathToLoop path_to_loop) {
IfProjNode* proj_to_loop;
if (path_to_loop == TRUE_PATH) {
proj_to_loop = new IfTrueNode(_selector);
} else {
// This class creates an If node (i.e. loop selector) that selects if the true-path-loop or the false-path-loop should be
// executed at runtime. This is done by finding an invariant and non-loop-exiting unswitch candidate If node (guaranteed
// to exist at this point) to perform Loop Unswitching on.
class UnswitchedLoopSelector : public StackObj {
- IfNode* const _unswitch_candidate;
+ const UnswitchCandidate& _unswitch_candidate;
const LoopSelector _loop_selector;
- UnswitchedLoopSelector(IdealLoopTree* loop)
- : _unswitch_candidate(find_unswitch_candidate(loop)),
+ UnswitchedLoopSelector(IdealLoopTree* loop, const UnswitchCandidate& unswitch_candidate)
+ : _unswitch_candidate(unswitch_candidate),
_loop_selector(loop, _unswitch_candidate) {}
- private:
- static IfNode* find_unswitch_candidate(IdealLoopTree* loop) {
- IfNode* unswitch_candidate = loop->_phase->find_unswitch_candidate(loop);
- assert(unswitch_candidate != nullptr, "guaranteed to exist by policy_unswitching");
- assert(loop->_phase->is_member(loop, unswitch_candidate), "must be inside original loop");
- return unswitch_candidate;
- }
- public:
- IfNode* unswitch_candidate() const {
- return _unswitch_candidate;
+ IfNode* selector_if() const {
+ return _loop_selector.selector();
const LoopSelector& loop_selector() const {
return _loop_selector;
// Unswitch the original loop on the invariant loop selector by creating a true-path-loop and a false-path-loop.
// Remove the unswitch candidate If from both unswitched loop versions which are now covered by the loop selector If.
void unswitch(const UnswitchedLoopSelector& unswitched_loop_selector) {
- remove_unswitch_candidate_from_loops(unswitched_loop_selector);
// Multiversion the original loop. The loop selector if selects between the original loop (true-path-loop), and
// a copy of it (false-path-loop).
void multiversion(const LoopSelector& loop_selector) {
#endif // ASSERT
Node* old_to_new(const Node* old) const {
return _old_new[old->_idx];
- // Remove the unswitch candidate If nodes in both unswitched loop versions which are now dominated by the loop selector
- // If node. Keep the true-path-path in the true-path-loop and the false-path-path in the false-path-loop by setting
- // the bool input accordingly. The unswitch candidate If nodes are folded in the next IGVN round.
- void remove_unswitch_candidate_from_loops(const UnswitchedLoopSelector& unswitched_loop_selector) {
- const LoopSelector& loop_selector = unswitched_loop_selector.loop_selector();;
- IfNode* unswitch_candidate = unswitched_loop_selector.unswitch_candidate();
- _phase->igvn().rehash_node_delayed(unswitch_candidate);
- _phase->dominated_by(loop_selector.true_path_loop_proj(), unswitch_candidate);
- IfNode* unswitch_candidate_clone = _old_new[unswitch_candidate->_idx]->as_If();
- _phase->igvn().rehash_node_delayed(unswitch_candidate_clone);
- _phase->dominated_by(loop_selector.false_path_loop_proj(), unswitch_candidate_clone);
- }
// See comments below file header for more information about Loop Unswitching.
void PhaseIdealLoop::do_unswitching(IdealLoopTree* loop, Node_List& old_new) {
assert(LoopUnswitching, "LoopUnswitching must be enabled");
NOT_PRODUCT(trace_loop_unswitching_count(loop, original_head);)
C->print_method(PHASE_BEFORE_LOOP_UNSWITCHING, 4, original_head);
- const UnswitchedLoopSelector unswitched_loop_selector(loop);
+ const UnswitchCandidate unswitch_candidate(loop, old_new);
+ const UnswitchedLoopSelector unswitched_loop_selector(loop, unswitch_candidate);
OriginalLoop original_loop(loop, old_new);
- hoist_invariant_check_casts(loop, old_new, unswitched_loop_selector);
+ unswitch_candidate.update_in_true_path_loop(unswitched_loop_selector.loop_selector().true_path_loop_proj());
+ unswitch_candidate.update_in_false_path_loop(unswitched_loop_selector.loop_selector().false_path_loop_proj(),
+ old_new[original_head->_idx]->as_Loop());
+ hoist_invariant_check_casts(loop, old_new, unswitch_candidate, unswitched_loop_selector.selector_if());
add_unswitched_loop_version_bodies_to_igvn(loop, old_new);
LoopNode* new_head = old_new[original_head->_idx]->as_Loop();
increment_unswitch_counts(original_head, new_head);
- NOT_PRODUCT(trace_loop_unswitching_result(unswitched_loop_selector, original_head, new_head);)
+ NOT_PRODUCT(trace_loop_unswitching_result(unswitched_loop_selector, unswitch_candidate, original_head, new_head);)
C->print_method(PHASE_AFTER_LOOP_UNSWITCHING, 4, new_head);
void PhaseIdealLoop::do_multiversioning(IdealLoopTree* lpt, Node_List& old_new) {
void PhaseIdealLoop::trace_loop_unswitching_result(const UnswitchedLoopSelector& unswitched_loop_selector,
+ const UnswitchCandidate& unswitch_candidate,
const LoopNode* original_head, const LoopNode* new_head) {
if (TraceLoopUnswitching) {
- IfNode* unswitch_candidate = unswitched_loop_selector.unswitch_candidate();
- IfNode* loop_selector = unswitched_loop_selector.loop_selector().selector();
+ IfNode* unswitch_candidate_if = unswitch_candidate.candidate();
+ IfNode* loop_selector = unswitched_loop_selector.selector_if();
tty->print_cr("Loop Unswitching:");
- tty->print_cr("- Unswitch-Candidate-If: %d %s", unswitch_candidate->_idx, unswitch_candidate->Name());
+ tty->print_cr("- Unswitch-Candidate-If: %d %s", unswitch_candidate_if->_idx, unswitch_candidate_if->Name());
tty->print_cr("- Loop-Selector-If: %d %s", loop_selector->_idx, loop_selector->Name());
tty->print_cr("- True-Path-Loop (=Orig): %d %s", original_head->_idx, original_head->Name());
tty->print_cr("- False-Path-Loop (=Clone): %d %s", new_head->_idx, new_head->Name());
+ unswitch_candidate.trace_flat_array_checks();
void PhaseIdealLoop::trace_loop_multiversioning_result(const LoopSelector& loop_selector,
const LoopNode* original_head, const LoopNode* new_head) {
if (cl->is_multiversion()) { cl->set_no_multiversion(); }
// Hoist invariant CheckCastPPNodes out of each unswitched loop version to the appropriate loop selector If projection.
void PhaseIdealLoop::hoist_invariant_check_casts(const IdealLoopTree* loop, const Node_List& old_new,
- const UnswitchedLoopSelector& unswitched_loop_selector) {
- IfNode* unswitch_candidate = unswitched_loop_selector.unswitch_candidate();
- IfNode* loop_selector = unswitched_loop_selector.loop_selector().selector();
+ const UnswitchCandidate& unswitch_candidate,
+ const IfNode* loop_selector) {
ResourceMark rm;
GrowableArray<CheckCastPPNode*> loop_invariant_check_casts;
- for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = unswitch_candidate->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
- IfProjNode* proj = unswitch_candidate->fast_out(i)->as_IfProj();
+ const IfNode* unswitch_candidate_if = unswitch_candidate.candidate();
+ for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = unswitch_candidate_if->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
+ IfProjNode* proj = unswitch_candidate_if->fast_out(i)->as_IfProj();
// Copy to a worklist for easier manipulation
for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = proj->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
CheckCastPPNode* check_cast = proj->fast_out(j)->isa_CheckCastPP();
if (check_cast != nullptr && loop->is_invariant(check_cast->in(1))) {
CheckCastPPNode* cast = loop_invariant_check_casts.pop();
Node* cast_clone = cast->clone();
cast_clone->set_req(0, loop_selector_if_proj);
_igvn.replace_input_of(cast, 1, cast_clone);
register_new_node(cast_clone, loop_selector_if_proj);
- // Same for the clone
- Node* use_clone = old_new[cast->_idx];
- _igvn.replace_input_of(use_clone, 1, cast_clone);
+ // Same for the false-path-loop if there are not multiple flat array checks (in that case we leave the
+ // false-path-loop unchanged).
+ if (!unswitch_candidate.has_multiple_flat_array_check_candidates()) {
+ Node* use_clone = old_new[cast->_idx];
+ _igvn.replace_input_of(use_clone, 1, cast_clone);
+ }
// Enable more optimizations possibilities in the next IGVN round.
void PhaseIdealLoop::add_unswitched_loop_version_bodies_to_igvn(IdealLoopTree* loop, const Node_List& old_new) {
- for(int i = loop->_body.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
+ for (int i = loop->_body.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Node* n = loop->_body[i];
Node* n_clone = old_new[n->_idx];
void PhaseIdealLoop::increment_unswitch_counts(LoopNode* original_head, LoopNode* new_head) {
const int unswitch_count = original_head->unswitch_count() + 1;
< prev index next >