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187   static address deoptimize_for_missing_exception_handler(CompiledMethod* cm);
188   static oop get_cached_box(AutoBoxObjectValue* bv, frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, bool& cache_init_error, TRAPS);
189 #endif
191   private:
192   // Does the actual work for deoptimizing a single frame
193   static void deoptimize_single_frame(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, DeoptReason reason);
196   // Deoptimize objects, that is reallocate and relock them, just before they
197   // escape through JVMTI.  The given vframes cover one physical frame.
198   static bool deoptimize_objects_internal(JavaThread* thread, GrowableArray<compiledVFrame*>* chunk,
199                                           bool& realloc_failures);
201  public:
203   // Support for restoring non-escaping objects
204   static bool realloc_objects(JavaThread* thread, frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, TRAPS);

205   static void reassign_type_array_elements(frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, ObjectValue* sv, typeArrayOop obj, BasicType type);
206   static void reassign_object_array_elements(frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, ObjectValue* sv, objArrayOop obj);
207   static void reassign_fields(frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, bool realloc_failures, bool skip_internal);

208   static bool relock_objects(JavaThread* thread, GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* monitors,
209                              JavaThread* deoptee_thread, frame& fr, int exec_mode, bool realloc_failures);
210   static void pop_frames_failed_reallocs(JavaThread* thread, vframeArray* array);
211 #endif // COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI
213   public:
214   static vframeArray* create_vframeArray(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map, GrowableArray<compiledVFrame*>* chunk, bool realloc_failures);
216   // Interface used for unpacking deoptimized frames
218   // UnrollBlock is returned by fetch_unroll_info() to the deoptimization handler (blob).
219   // This is only a CheapObj to ease debugging after a deopt failure
220   class UnrollBlock : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
221     friend class VMStructs;
222     friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
223    private:
224     int       _size_of_deoptimized_frame; // Size, in bytes, of current deoptimized frame
225     int       _caller_adjustment;         // Adjustment, in bytes, to caller's SP by initial interpreted frame
226     int       _number_of_frames;          // Number frames to unroll
227     int       _total_frame_sizes;         // Total of number*sizes frames

187   static address deoptimize_for_missing_exception_handler(CompiledMethod* cm);
188   static oop get_cached_box(AutoBoxObjectValue* bv, frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, bool& cache_init_error, TRAPS);
189 #endif
191   private:
192   // Does the actual work for deoptimizing a single frame
193   static void deoptimize_single_frame(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, DeoptReason reason);
196   // Deoptimize objects, that is reallocate and relock them, just before they
197   // escape through JVMTI.  The given vframes cover one physical frame.
198   static bool deoptimize_objects_internal(JavaThread* thread, GrowableArray<compiledVFrame*>* chunk,
199                                           bool& realloc_failures);
201  public:
203   // Support for restoring non-escaping objects
204   static bool realloc_objects(JavaThread* thread, frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, TRAPS);
205   static bool realloc_inline_type_result(InlineKlass* vk, const RegisterMap& map, GrowableArray<Handle>& return_oops, TRAPS);
206   static void reassign_type_array_elements(frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, ObjectValue* sv, typeArrayOop obj, BasicType type);
207   static void reassign_object_array_elements(frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, ObjectValue* sv, objArrayOop obj);
208   static void reassign_flat_array_elements(frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, ObjectValue* sv, flatArrayOop obj, FlatArrayKlass* vak, bool skip_internal, TRAPS);
209   static void reassign_fields(frame* fr, RegisterMap* reg_map, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, bool realloc_failures, bool skip_internal, TRAPS);
210   static bool relock_objects(JavaThread* thread, GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* monitors,
211                              JavaThread* deoptee_thread, frame& fr, int exec_mode, bool realloc_failures);
212   static void pop_frames_failed_reallocs(JavaThread* thread, vframeArray* array);
213 #endif // COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI
215   public:
216   static vframeArray* create_vframeArray(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map, GrowableArray<compiledVFrame*>* chunk, bool realloc_failures);
218   // Interface used for unpacking deoptimized frames
220   // UnrollBlock is returned by fetch_unroll_info() to the deoptimization handler (blob).
221   // This is only a CheapObj to ease debugging after a deopt failure
222   class UnrollBlock : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
223     friend class VMStructs;
224     friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
225    private:
226     int       _size_of_deoptimized_frame; // Size, in bytes, of current deoptimized frame
227     int       _caller_adjustment;         // Adjustment, in bytes, to caller's SP by initial interpreted frame
228     int       _number_of_frames;          // Number frames to unroll
229     int       _total_frame_sizes;         // Total of number*sizes frames
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