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449  *     FieldModel*(UtfEntry name, Utf8Entry descriptor)
450  *     | MethodModel*(UtfEntry name, Utf8Entry descriptor)
451  *     | ModuleAttribute?(int flags, ModuleEntry moduleName, UtfEntry moduleVersion,
452  *                        List<ModuleRequireInfo> requires, List<ModuleOpenInfo> opens,
453  *                        List<ModuleExportInfo> exports, List<ModuleProvidesInfo> provides,
454  *                        List<ClassEntry> uses)
455  *     | ModulePackagesAttribute?(List<PackageEntry> packages)
456  *     | ModuleTargetAttribute?(Utf8Entry targetPlatform)
457  *     | ModuleHashesAttribute?(Utf8Entry algorithm, List<HashInfo> hashes)
458  *     | ModuleResolutionAttribute?(int resolutionFlags)
459  *     | SourceFileAttribute?(Utf8Entry sourceFile)
460  *     | SourceDebugExtensionsAttribute?(byte[] contents)
461  *     | CompilationIDAttribute?(Utf8Entry compilationId)
462  *     | SourceIDAttribute?(Utf8Entry sourceId)
463  *     | NestHostAttribute?(ClassEntry nestHost)
464  *     | NestMembersAttribute?(List<ClassEntry> nestMembers)
465  *     | RecordAttribute?(List<RecordComponent> components)
466  *     | EnclosingMethodAttribute?(ClassEntry className, NameAndTypeEntry method)
467  *     | InnerClassesAttribute?(List<InnerClassInfo> classes)
468  *     | PermittedSubclassesAttribute?(List<ClassEntry> permittedSubclasses)

469  *     | DeclarationElement*
470  * }
471  *
472  * where {@code DeclarationElement} are the elements that are common to all declarations
473  * (classes,  methods, fields) and so are factored out:
474  *
475  * {@snippet lang="text" :
476  * DeclarationElement =
477  *     SignatureAttribute?(Utf8Entry signature)
478  *     | SyntheticAttribute?()
479  *     | DeprecatedAttribute?()
480  *     | RuntimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttribute?(List<Annotation> annotations)
481  *     | RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute?(List<Annotation> annotations)
482  *     | CustomAttribute*
483  *     | UnknownAttribute*
484  * }
485  *
486  * Fields and methods are models with their own elements.  The elements of fields
487  * and methods are fairly simple; most of the complexity of methods lives in the
488  * {@link java.lang.classfile.CodeModel} (which models the {@code Code} attribute

449  *     FieldModel*(UtfEntry name, Utf8Entry descriptor)
450  *     | MethodModel*(UtfEntry name, Utf8Entry descriptor)
451  *     | ModuleAttribute?(int flags, ModuleEntry moduleName, UtfEntry moduleVersion,
452  *                        List<ModuleRequireInfo> requires, List<ModuleOpenInfo> opens,
453  *                        List<ModuleExportInfo> exports, List<ModuleProvidesInfo> provides,
454  *                        List<ClassEntry> uses)
455  *     | ModulePackagesAttribute?(List<PackageEntry> packages)
456  *     | ModuleTargetAttribute?(Utf8Entry targetPlatform)
457  *     | ModuleHashesAttribute?(Utf8Entry algorithm, List<HashInfo> hashes)
458  *     | ModuleResolutionAttribute?(int resolutionFlags)
459  *     | SourceFileAttribute?(Utf8Entry sourceFile)
460  *     | SourceDebugExtensionsAttribute?(byte[] contents)
461  *     | CompilationIDAttribute?(Utf8Entry compilationId)
462  *     | SourceIDAttribute?(Utf8Entry sourceId)
463  *     | NestHostAttribute?(ClassEntry nestHost)
464  *     | NestMembersAttribute?(List<ClassEntry> nestMembers)
465  *     | RecordAttribute?(List<RecordComponent> components)
466  *     | EnclosingMethodAttribute?(ClassEntry className, NameAndTypeEntry method)
467  *     | InnerClassesAttribute?(List<InnerClassInfo> classes)
468  *     | PermittedSubclassesAttribute?(List<ClassEntry> permittedSubclasses)
469  *     | LoadableDescriptorsAttribute?(List<Utf8Entry> loadableDescriptors)
470  *     | DeclarationElement*
471  * }
472  *
473  * where {@code DeclarationElement} are the elements that are common to all declarations
474  * (classes,  methods, fields) and so are factored out:
475  *
476  * {@snippet lang="text" :
477  * DeclarationElement =
478  *     SignatureAttribute?(Utf8Entry signature)
479  *     | SyntheticAttribute?()
480  *     | DeprecatedAttribute?()
481  *     | RuntimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttribute?(List<Annotation> annotations)
482  *     | RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute?(List<Annotation> annotations)
483  *     | CustomAttribute*
484  *     | UnknownAttribute*
485  * }
486  *
487  * Fields and methods are models with their own elements.  The elements of fields
488  * and methods are fairly simple; most of the complexity of methods lives in the
489  * {@link java.lang.classfile.CodeModel} (which models the {@code Code} attribute
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